Saturday, March 20, 2010

A Vort From The Valley Of Death

Rabbi Yehuda Amital related the following story: When I was a young man during the holocaust in Aushwitz, one time we had a secret shaleshudos which, of course, had nothing more than zmiros. After we sang Mizmor Lidovid one of the Chassidim said the following explanation in the name of his Rebbe. "Gam ki alaich bigai tzalmoves lo ira" - "Even though I go in the valley of the shadow of death I will not fear", because who am I? But "RA ki atah imadi" - "It is evil that you are with me." You the Holy Divine Presence are also suffering. THAT is terrible!
[The simple meaning is - Even though I go in the valley of the shadow of death I will not fear evil because you are with me].

But, added the Chossid, since You are with me I am sure that I will be redeemed because You will surely not allow you Shechinah to remain in darkness.

Today, added Rav Amital, after the Six Day War and our return to Yerushalayim we know that from all evil, good emerges.