Sunday, July 10, 2011

Diary Entry From My Journey #24


I am staying in the apartment in the city where I grew up and there are two large framed photographs outside my bedroom of my great grandparents. Maras "Nechi" [my wife's name - spooky] and R' Yosef.

They lost two children before the war. Then they were killed by the Nazis. My mother is the only surviving descendant. And of course myself, my siblings and our children [KEYN YIRBU!!].

So sad to think about how good, sweet, innocent people could be so senselessly killed. I would SOOO love to meet them!

Now I have one concern. They are sitting pretty in a perfect world basking in the Divine light to which no this worldly pleasure can compare. But they might well be looking at their great grandson [ba'al ha'blog shlita:)] and thinking - Why do you waste so much time? Why aren't you living a more spiritual life? You know that ain od milvado - so LIVE IT!

I hope that they aren't disappointed in me.....

It also gives me a sense of gratitude that I am here today. It wasn't easy. And to live in Yerushalayim! What a zchus!!

It also makes me anxious for tchiyas hameysim when we will be united.

Bimiheyra biyameinu!!