Tuesday, July 19, 2011

To Daven

Baruch Hashem I have received a very positive response to the previous post about davening for the donors [minimum - 1 penny] and many names have been sent in. Keyn Yirbu!

The benefits:

1] Tefilla helps everyone - the one being davened for the davener and the whole world [although not always in ways we can see].

2] Davening for someone else is a fulfillment of vi'ahavta li'rayacha kamocha which Rebbe Akiva STILL maintains is the overarching principle of the whole Torah. It is also my favorite.

3] The first mishna in Bava Kamma calls man a "maveh" which the gemara defines as "human being" based on a pasuk in Navi where davening is referred to as "tivaayun baiyu" [see there]. To daven means to maximize one's innate humanity. That's cool....

4] Davening for someone else connects you to that person and Hashem wants us to be connected. That is why He mandated so many interpersonal mitzvos.

5] When we daven we realize Who is charge. The more we daven the more we realize.

6] One of the pillars of the world is Avoda - which is tefilla. I am glad the world is standing. MUCH better than the alternative.

So thank you all and may my tefillos for you and your tefillos for yourselves and others always be answered li'tova.