Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Open Orthodoxy - A Strong Case Made In FAVOR!

I am a BIIIGGG fan.

We have to open ourselves to NEW ideas.

Instead of just doing daf yomi on a superficial level - go deeper. Learn the Rashis inside. See the Tosfos and other rishonim. Be open to a deeper more profound gemara experience.

Learn Minchas Chinuch. That will open you up to so many new questions. Learn the Shaagas Aryeh from beginning to end. See how he roars.

Delve into teshuva sefarim. There are so many interesting halachic discussions that will OPEN YOUR HORIZENS.

Learn chassidus. Have you ever learned Kisvei Rebbe Tzadok? The Ishbitzer? Not just a vort and story from Carlebach but really learning inside?? What about the sefer Toldos Yaakov Yosef? The manifesto of Chasidus. A can't miss sefer.

What about mussar? Have you learned the great mussar classics such as Ohr Hatzafun of the Alter from Slabodka and the Sichas Mussar of Rav Chaim Shmuelevitz?

Be open to making kabbolos on yourself. To limit your eating? Your speech? Your wasted time? Have you opened yourself up to being more free with your money? There are people who don't have money for food who get just as hungry as you do when you don't eat.

Open yourself up to seeing your faults. The Ramban in this weeks parsha says on the pasuk צדק צדק תרדוף that the secret to gaining entry into both Eretz Yisrael and the world to come is to JUDGE YOURSELVES. How often do we judge ourselves and take the blame for what is wrong in our lives? How often to we apologize to people we have hurt? How many selfish thoughts go through our heads every day?? How much sleep do we lose over OTHER PEOPLE'S problems? This requires openness. When was the last time you said "Now I am going to call 5 people and try to make them feel good?" Or do we only call when we need or want something [even just to break our boredom]. Text your friend or relative and say "I love you". Don't worry. It's good. Everybody wants to be loved. Try it on your spouse.

5 times a day.

Sounds weird but be open

Open yourself up to reassessing where you are living. If you live outside of Eretz Yisrael - did you ask a Rov first? Just because you are COMFORTABLE in chutz la-aretz doesn't mean that it is the right place for you. Maybe you can't move today but in 5 years from now? Regardless of where you live have you considered whether it is the best place for your spirit and not only your body? Are you neighbors people with high spiritual aspirations?

Open yourself up to everything that is filled with holiness, purity, love, elevation, spirituality, emotional awareness, connection to what is real and good, warmth, care and compassion.

LET HASHEM BE THE CENTER OF YOUR EXISTENCE. As we know - He only dwells where we let Him in.

Reject: Cynicism, anger, rebellion, falsehood, foreign ideologies, strife, jealousy, an immersion in the body, evil gossip, sectarianism and sadness.

Open yourself up to a life filled with simcha and giving to others with love.

THAT - is TRUE "Open Orthodoxy" and if so I want to join today.  

Love and blessings,