Friday, July 6, 2018

Moshe's Request

וידבר משה אל י״י וגו׳ [במדבר כ"ז ט"ו] 

Rashi explains that the psukim are about to tell us how great tzadikim are that before they die they forget about their own needs and involve themselves in communal matters. Very NOBLE!

להודיעך שבחן של צדיקים שכשנפטרין מן העולם מניחין צורכן ועוסקין בצורכי ציבור.

Then the pasuk says that Moshe asks Hashem to appoint a leader:

יִפְקֹ֣ד יְ-הֹ-וָ֔-ה אֱלֹהֵ֥י הָרוּחֹ֖ת לְכׇל־בָּשָׂ֑ר אִ֖ישׁ עַל־הָעֵדָֽה׃

Rashi explains that he was asking that HIS OWN CHILDREN inherit his position. 

יפקד י״י – כיון ששמע משה שאמר לו המקום: תן נחלת צלפחד לבנותיו אמר הגיעה שעה שאתבע צורכי שיירשו בניי את גדולתי, אמר לו הקב״ה: לא כך עלתה במחשבה לפניי כדי הוא יהושע ליטול שכר שימושו שלא מש מתוך האהל וזהו שאמר שלמה: נוצר תאנה יאכל פריה. 

יפקד ה LET THE LORD … SET [A MAN OVER THE CONGREGATION] – When Moshe heard that the Omnipresent said to him, "Give the inheritance of Tzelophchad to his daughters", he said to himself, "The time has come that I should ask something that I want — that my sons should inherit my high position". G-d replied to him, "Not thus has entered My mind; Joshua deserves to receive the reward of his service, because "he has never departed from out the tent" (Shmos XXXIII 11). — This is what Shlomo said, (Proverbs 27:18) "Whoever keeps the fig-tree shall eat the fruit thereof, [and he that waits on his master shall be honored]"

Does that sound like the first Rashi where it says that he was concerned with the COMMUNITY?

Moreover, Rashi quotes the Sifre in a number of places in this section and the Sifre itself says that Moshe was asking Hashem to appoint Yehoshua [unlike the Medrash Rabba quoted by Rashi]. So why doesn't he quote the Sifre instead which would have fit in much more nicely [and made Moshe look better]?

Lots to say!!!:-)