I was asked to write a dvar Torah on the parsha on behalf of graduating seminary girls. So I figured, why not share it with everybody....
:The psukim say in parshas Masei
וְאִם יָצֹא יֵצֵא הָרֹצֵחַ אֶת גְּבוּל עִיר מִקְלָטוֹ אֲשֶׁר יָנוּס שָׁמָּה. וּמָצָא אֹתוֹ גֹּאֵל הַדָּם מִחוּץ לִגְבוּל עִיר מִקְלָטוֹ וְרָצַח גֹּאֵל הַדָּם אֶת הָרֹצֵחַ אֵין לוֹ דָּם
It is talking about a person who killed accidentally and had to run to an Ir Miklat [a city of refuge] in order to save himself from the avenger of the blood of the person he killed [a relative]. The pasuk says that if he steps out of the city - even one step [added by the rabbis] - he endangers his life.
IMAGINE!!! One wrong step and it could be LIGHTS out. Scarrrryyyy!!!!:-)!!!! But we all know the rule of the gemara - the middah of what is good and positive is always AT LEAST 500 TIMES as powerful as the middah of what is negative [according to a second opinion - many times more than that!!].
So imagine - if one wrong step can be so fatal - imagine how critical and life changing one GOOD STEP can be. People who make MINOR changes in their lifestyles and habits can change themselves significantly 4-EVER!!!
So in honor of Rosh Chodesh Av, think of one bad habit of yours or one good habit you don't yet have and accept upon yourself to make a MINOR MODIFICATION and see how powerful that can be. It can be in your interpersonal relationships and it can be in your relationship with Hashem. It can be that when you feel like having chocolate, you will wait 15 minutes and have it then so that you are the master over your chocolate and not vice versa. It could be that you will write down THREE THINGS EVERY DAY that you are thankful for. It takes a minute or two but is "game changing". It can be ANYTHING!!!:-). [Based on an idea of the Beis Yisrael of Ger]
Remember, a marathon begins with just ONE STEP.