Tuesday, October 17, 2017


“It is amazing how complete is the delusion that beauty is goodness.”
― Leo Tolstoy, The Kreutzer Sonata
Men are crazzzzzy after women's beauty. 

A mashal I saw from R' Nachman: 

A man walks into a wine store and chooses a bottle of wine based on the fanciest, most eye catching bottle. How foolish. It could be that the wine tastes horrible [which is why they made the bottle so attractive - otherwise nobody would buy it]. Another bottle doesn't look so attractive but the wine tastes simply intoxicating. One gets drunk with pleasure after taking just one sip. 

One girl could be GORGEOUS but inside she is EMPTY. Not only is she spiritually and emotionally lacking but there is also zero correlation between how much she pleases her husband in the place that he wants to be pleased and how good looking she is. The "good looking" gets him to want to be there with her in the first place but when it comes time to actually "produce" she could be cold like an iceberg and he will be frustrated beyond imagination. The less eye popping girl could be an angel of kindness, love, care, sensitivity and spirituality. And she could also be very good in the bedroom. 

Am I saying to look to marry an unattractive girl? That would be stupid and against an open gemara. 

I AM SAYING that looks aren't everything and in fact are only a small part of the package. Any married man will tell you that. Nobody is happy solely because his wife is pretty. It is only valuable if it reflects an inner beauty. 

שקר החן והבל היופי only matters if אשה יראת ה' היא תתהלל. 

Seek out pnimiuyus!