Thirty dollars for the week!!!
WOW-EEEEE!!!! If this continues for a THOUSAND WEEKS then it will add up to THIRTY THOUSAND DOLLARS!!!!
I just don't think I want to wait that long. Be a partner in creating a Torah website that will be visited by many thousands weekly for years and years to come IMY"H!!! We recently reached the milestone of ONE MILLION and FOUR HUNDRED THOUSAND visitors. I believe that by far, not even close, the most visited and active [one person] Torah blog on the planet. הודו לה' כי טוב. Not about me. I am NOTHING. It is about TORAS HASHEM and EMES ["emet" if you prefer] or at least the search for it. I think - know - that this is a sound investment. We are in the process of building it but are still short of the necessary funds. I have donated thousands of hours to you [BI-SIMCHA UBI-AHAVA!!!:-)] - and try to ask for nothing in return. But I DO ask that you help me continue.
So THANKS TO THOSE WHO ALREADY JOINED THIS HISTORIC [!!!] campaign and I ENCOURAGE others to PLEASE have a share. If you tell me that you missed ONE MEAL because of your donation it will be refunded.
Bi-ahava rabba,