Thursday, February 7, 2019

The Presidential Campaign And The Mussar We Learn

Well, candidates are starting to announce their candidacy for President of the United States in 2020. I am SOOOO EXCITED not to be running. Like - I have enough problems [BARUCH HASHEM!!!:-)] without having the MOST HIGHLY PRESSURED JOB on the planet earth. So I will let others fight it out. I am President of my house [but I usually concede to the wishes of the VP...]. That is more than enough. I get to decide if we will go to war with our neighbors. [Such nice people - why kill them?!].   

But this is what gets me [forgive me for venting:-)]. To run costs from 500 million up to even a BILLION DOLLARS [A THOUSAND MILLION!!!]. Just to conduct a campaign. Now - who wins? NOBODY - except for one person.

That means that billions of dollars are raised for unsuccessful campaigns. Like - even a close second is a total loss. Hillary even received more of the popular vote than Trump yet she is as much President of the US as I am or you are. She isn't even President of the Shul sisterhood. GORNISHT! NADA! KLOOOM!

So why are so many worthy tzdaka causes in such poor shape? If one gives it is ONE HUNDRED PERCENT successful!!! And it is not about electing someone who will do some good things and make some blunders, someone who we can NEVER KNOW IN ADVANCE what he will do [Bush: "Read my lips  - No new taxes" until he raised taxes] but a perfect way of being like Hashem by helping His children. 
