Isaiah Thomas famously said that the only reason that Larry Bird is considered so good is because he is white. If he were black then he would not be considered such a superstar but would be just another player. That set off a firestorm of protest. [Some argued that if he were black, then he would be even better because then he wouldn't be so slow and would be able to jump. Those people received 10 years in prison and a fine of 200,000 dollars to be paid to the "Black Lives Matter" movement or to fund Al Sharpton's food preferences.]
I similarly think that the reason I am considered only an average or sub-average Talmud scholar is because I am WHITE. If I were black - I would be a PHENOM!! I would be invited to speak and teach all over. "Shiur on Ktzos Hachoshen from the Black [but beautiful as per Shir Hashirim 1-5] Talmud Scholar Albert Ehrman" [there used to be a cartoon with Fat Albert who was black and fat. I would be Skinny Albert given my narrow waistline]. That would get a lot of curious participants. "Black Rabbi Albert Ehrman on Slavery in The Bible". AWE-SOME! Sign this "broth-ah" up!!! But that would be SILLY. A shiur should be judged on the basis of it's quality and not on the color of skin of the lecturer. [One could argue though that a black Talmud Scholar would have a unique perspective on certain issues].
This daf yomi cycle has seen a sudden increase in the number of women giving daf yomi shiurim with much attendant publicity. I say - don't listen to shiur because of the gender of the person giving the shiur. If a woman gives the best shiur - then probably she gets the nod [putting aside tzniyus issues for a moment]. But if there are men out there who are bigger Talmidei Chachomim and/or more experienced Maggiddei Shiur than the women, in the absence of any other compelling reasons - why not listen to the men?
Don't listen because of gender - listen for quality of content!!:-):-)