Saturday, August 15, 2020

Rav Shmuel Volk Vs. Rav Shlomo Goren - Geirus Without Keeping Mitzvos

 Here here and here

Fascinating. Rav Volk was a Gadol Bi-yisrael who learned in Telz [before it moved from Lithuania to Cleveland...] and then was a RY at Yeshivas [Yeshivat?] Rabbeinu Yitzchak Elchanan. A Gadol Ba-torah as evidenced  by his 8 volume שערי טהר that nobody ever looks at [well I learn it but I am a nobody...]. Not b/c it isn't worth learning - it is VERY worth learning - but b/c people aren't zocheh...  

אין שבועה חלה על שבועה!