It has become a "thing" to have these programs that promise to transform your life. They give themselves a name [often including "academy" implying that this is something really intellectual and scientific], build a fancy website, invest a huuuuuge amount of money on a sophisticated advertising blitz and are good to go. They promise that if you sign up, they will share with you the "secrets" [key word] of a good life, success in business, improved relationships, better physical and mental health and everything but wings to fly. [Full disclosure: I myself w/ a friend am working on developing a program for the public on personal growth. I hope it takes off!!]
So let me be מקדים [precede?] by saying that of you think that any of these programs will help you grow as a person then by ALL MEANS!! Send them your money, join their program and GO FOR GREATNESS. You will achieve your goals and at the same time will help good Jews earn a parnassa. They say that they have helped hundreds/thousands. So what the heck - maybe it's worth a shot!!
But the skeptic in me asks - How do they know "secrets" to which we are not privy? Who told them? Why is this costing me money?? Money is spent like water flows but comes in like water flows when they shut off the water!! [Thank HASHEM A TRILLION TIMES that we are alive and fed]. Can I get these secrets for free???
I once had an email exchange with a Rebbetzin [a "Rosh Academy"] who was promising to share secrets and I asked her what secrets she knew more than, say Rav so and so or Rav so and so [I named names]. These people are great teachers with thousands of students and their Torah is free and available to all. Does she know more? Is she a greater scholar? Does she convey the teachings more effectively? What gives her the expertise?? She didn't respond but had her assistant respond that she really doesn't have more to offer than these scholars.
Here is the secret: YESSSSS!!!! It IS free. The Torah was given for free and is open to ALL!!! So if you want to grow, change bad habits, improve relationships, reach your goals, fix character flaws etc. etc. there is a vast open access "academy" right at your fingertips!! It is called the "Torah". There is SOOOOO MUCH WISDOM there. Start with Pirkei Avos. Learn Avos with the commentaries. Endless wisdom. [I am quite meshugenna for the Maharal's Derech Chaim but there are many great commentaries]. Learn Chumash with the commentaries of the Baalei Mussar and Great Chasidic Masters. So much insight into how to live a better life. Go through the Sefer Sichas Mussar of Rav Chaim Shmuelevitz. A MILLION BUCKS!! Read the five volumes of Michtav M'eliyahu and the two volumes of Alei Shor. Such depth! Sfas Emes, R' Tzadok, Rebbe Nachman [if he works for you] and numerous other Rebbes. Incredible guides for growth. Listen to my shiurim. Read the blog. We offer Torah insights that have transformed me and can transform you. Come to think of it - That is an arrogant, haughty and self serving statement. Shame on me!!! Who do I think I am!!! Cancel culture? Cancel ME! I am a no good, bragging, boastful failed student of Chinese basket weaving!
I have read countless psychology books and articles in my life, both Jewish and non-Jewish [in both English, Hebrew and Esperanto]. I started when I was about 6. Ever since then I have had a strong attraction to the subject. Had I not gone into learning, I probably would have become a psychologist [only b/c I wasn't good enough to play pro ball. If I wouldn't have been frum חס ושלום חס ושלום חס ושלום then I probably would have been a sports play by play ("pshat") or color commentary ("lomdus") guy]. The GREATEST modern psychology book I have ever read, hands down, no contest, is the עין אי"ה of the Rav ztz"l. Each piece is like a treasure trove. I never cease to be amazed by the profundity and insight into the human condition. GO FOR IT!!
Then there are on-line shiurim. Find teachers you like and listen. It's free!!! You can listen and listen and listen and if you allow the words to penetrate your heart - you will be transformed.
But listening is not enough. To change requires ACTION and HARD WORK. No program can change you. YOU have to do the work. Changing habits requires the creation of new neural pathways.
The same applies to programs promising to transform your learning. By all means - if it sounds good then join. But there are no secrets here. To become an expert at understanding and analyzing Jewish texts you must learn a whole lot. No shortcuts. Keep learning and learning and learning. Read the text, repeat it and repeat again. Probe, ask, explore. BE INCURABLY CURIOUS!! Over time you will notice that you have gotten MUCH BETTER at learning!!! Get a chavrusa, a GOOD chavrusa. Get a personal Rebbi. Pay if necessary. It is worth it. People pay for a personal trainer. A Rebbe is a personal trainer for your mind and soul. The important thing is to keep POUNDING away. THAT is the secret.
RELENTLESS HARD WORK!! Not shortcuts and certainly not gimmicks.