Rav Goren in his autobiography relates some many fascinating stories. He related about Rav Kook:
1] He was once invited to speak at a ceremony [הנחת אבן פינה לשוכנת עץ חיים] and was screamed down by a member of Neturei Karta "GET DOWN RASHA". The heckler was taken away by the police. The Rav ztz"l said that he is not continuing until he is released....
2] One Purim, a zealot made a doll in the likeness of the Rav, put it in the local shul and had people shoot at it. 32 of the most Chashuv Rabbonim signed a letter demanding that he be excommunicated until he ask the Rav forgiveness. Rav Isser Zalman Meltzer never davened in this shul again even though it was his shul and his Nusach and instead davnened in the other Nusach Sfard shul as a protest for the kavod of the Rav.
3] He went to America in 1924 to raise money for the poor of EY and Europe [they stayed on 76th street on the Upper West Side] together w/ 2 other Gedolim [see link!!]. Yet, he didn't say the word "money" or anything like that. He just spoke about Torah, Kedusha, E.Y. etc. and hoped people would get the point...
4] A letter from him was very helpful to fundraisers. Zealots who made his life miserable would come to him for such letters - and he wouldn't hesitate to write the letter...
זכותו יגן עלינו!!!