Monday, November 2, 2020

Ivanka On Abortion

From an article - "slightly" embellished.... 

Motherhood has led Ivanka Trump to adopt an “unapologetic” pro-life stance, the first daughter said in an interview — her first public statement supporting the position.

The senior adviser to the president told Real Clear Politics her view on abortion has changed since her father’s first run for office in 2016.

Four years ago, Ivanka Trump didn’t take a stand on the galvanizing issue. And after President Trump took office, in 2017, she even met secretly with then-Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards. At the time, she said she wanted to know more about the organization.

Now, she said, her viewpoint is clear.

“I respect all sides of a very personal and sensitive discussion,” Ivanka Trump said, “but I am also a mother of three children, and parenthood affected me in a profound way in terms of how I think about these things. I look at my children and say 'Imagine if had aborted them. How much poorer my life would be and the world would be.' I love Jared but he is not a replacement for our sweet Yiddishe kinder!”

For the first time, she stated publicly: “I am pro-life, and unapologetically so. So is HASHEM YISBORACH SHEMOI LO-AD!!! The Torah forbids it unless there are extenuating circumstances such as the mother's life being in danger or if the fetus has a serious genetic defect [the Tzitz Eliezer is the most meikel but even he opposes it in principal. Rav Moishe was VERY SHTARK against. He entitled his Teshuva on the matter "בענין רציחת עוברין"]! Hashem gives us the gift of life - how can we snuff it out? It is considered murder for a non-Jew. It is an open verse in Genesis: שופך דם האדם באדם דמו ישפך - This is interpreted by the GREAT Sage [who if alive today would vote for my father] Rebbe Yishmael as meaning that one's blood is spilled if he takes the life of a person within a person האדם באדם i.e. a fetus." 

Continued the First Daughter "Do you know that studies show that a fetus can feel pain??? How can we cause pain to an innocent living being??! It is CRUEL. The Trump administration is against causing pain to any being unless the law requires it, such as in cases of self-defense or illegal Mexican immigrants transporting drugs over the border. Imagine YOU were aborted?? What do you think about that??”

"Do you know", she stated with deep horror, "that close to 36 million babies have been aborted this year?? That is about 30 times the amount of people that were killed by Coronavirus!!! I am honored that my father's administration is an opponent of crushing innocent living, breathing beings to death", she concluded but not before adding. "And Jared and his Mishpacha are totally on board with this mehalech."