Sunday, November 1, 2020

Two Distinct Visions

 I think it is a mistake to think that the election is Biden vs. Trump. It is two different visions of the past, present and future which these two people represent. 

So when you decide whom to vote for, you have to ask yourself what those visions are and which one is closer to yours.  

The ramifications will not only impact America but the entire planet. 

Isn't it interesting that every single Democrat voted against the nomination of ACB to the Supreme court and every single Republican [except for one] voted in favor. How can it be that [almost] ALL the Republicans thought she was qualified and ALL the Democrats thought that she wasn't? [The reality is that given her record she is indisputably HIGHLY qualified].  

Answer: It wasn't about her at all but about what she represents. 

At Trump rallies, people wave US flags and chant U.S.A-U.S.A. At Biden rallies - never. And that - says a LOT. 

Another example: Do you believe that male-female is a human construct of the mind with no objective basis [the left] or do you believe that males are male regardless of what we say or how we define ourselves.