Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Going Back To Shul And Shula

From the OU website: 

Back To Shul Grant
Leaders-The Time Is Now

Our community is presented with a once-in-a-generation opportunity to bring our members back with a renewed sense of excitement and energy.
The OU is looking to award grants for creative and replicable programming that encourages community members to return to Shul. The programs should be unique opportunities for the community to gather and celebrate a return to Shul.

Grants of $2000 to $5000 will be offered for each program.

A total of $100,000 will be awarded


In my experience there are two things that attract people and promote attendance at any event. Good food and entertainment. 

Remember. Good food and entertainment and people come. 

Every ad for over the top vacations in the frum press emphasizes - LOOOOOOOOOTSSSSSS of delicious food and entertainment. People are willing to drop tens of thousands of dollars for just a few days of that. It should also be enough to get people back to shul. 


Speaking of "shul" - A few months ago Don "Shula", the iconic [not the type of icon at the bottom of your computer screen but the type of person people idolize for reasons not mentioned in Shas or Poskim] coach of the Miami Dolphins, died. 

He was a very religious man. Not a Jew but a Catholic. Catholicism is based on Judaism but went off badly. Anyway - he prayed daily and not just on Sunday. A serious Ben-Yoshke!! When he was young, he was at a crossroads. [Yogi Berra: When you get to a fork in the road - take it!!]. Should he become a priest or stay in sports? He was passionate abt. both!! What to do? 

So he didn't ask a Rov. He didn't ask a galach [priest]. He didn't ask Dorothy [his Rebbetzin]. He decided that he can't give up sports and the rest is history. He won 328 regular season games  - a league record [including the only perfect season ever]. Dolphin fans [including myself!!! Like - rabid. And slowly recovering馃榾] received countless hours of joy. And the world gained ONE LESS GALACH FOR AVODA ZARA!!! 

Thank you Doniel "the davener" Shula. Thank you Yossi Robbie. [according to his obit in the Times he had 11 kinderlach!! But sadly, there was a lot of fighting after his death. Money money money - never enough!!] Thank you Daniel Marino, the Marks brothers and the rest of the crew.