Tuesday, April 27, 2021

The Highest And The Lowest

On these pages we have discussed the COMPLEX nature of a human being numerous times. 

אדם is אדמה - the dust of the earth. We can sink the LOWEST. מבעה is one of the 4 primary damagers - מבעה זה אדם! Man is a MAZIK!!! 

אדם is also hoooooolllyyy. We are created in the image of G-D!!! אדם - אדמה לעליון. We are similar to the Divine. [See the beginning of עלי שור ח"ב for AMAZING material on the nature of man].  

The Vilna Gaon was a human being and so was להבדיל אלף אלפי הבדלות Josef Goebbels ימ"ש וזכרו לנצח נצחים.

Not only that but the SAME PERSON can be a mixture of the two extremes.

A recent example of this: 

A Jew. A Yerushalmi. An adherent of Neturei Karta. He devotes his life to CHESED!! He wants to do GOOD!!! Day and night, cold and heat - CHESED. He wins AWARDS for his great work. He sees the "light" and becomes a Tziyoni while remaining "frum" with the Yerushalmi levush and being a mikva goer. His sons serve in the army. He is vocal about social justice. He recently attacked the Charedim for not being careful enough about Covid after he lost his parents and sibling to the illness. We must follow doctor's orders, he cried!!! He is ALWAYS on the side of what is just and good. He promotes organ donation for almost dead people - against the psak of many Gedolei Yisrael but that doesn't matter to him. It is the RIGHT THING TO DO and besides - there are Rabbonim who permit/require it. [I am obviously not a מאן דאמר on this topic and not expressing an opinion on such a contentious issue. Just that one should listen to the major poskim and act accordingly]. He bucks any party line. His motto: חסד ללא גבולות - Chesed W/o Borders. He fought for the advancement of women. He was a NATIONAL HERO. Probably the most loved and respected Charedi among the irreligious. They adored him!! He preached ACHDUS!!!! We are all ONE!! [He actually lives near me but I have never had any personal contact w/ him].


Whatta guy!!! 


All true. 

But wait. 

According to the complaints that have been registered by the Israeli police - he was a sexual deviant of mind blowing proportions. Men, women and children. For him - it didn't matter. He sexually abused a large number of people over many, many years. [I am assuming that all the people who came forward weren't lying].  

The media publicized that the police were investigating the many complaints they had received. He had to forgo the coveted "Israel Prize" he was supposed to receive. His true colors were now made public for the whole world to see and hear. [Another recipient of the prize was actually my next door neighbor for many years. But I won't take the credit...😀]

He was depressed. Very depressed. 

So he attempted suicide. [Not the Jewish way of dealing with things. We may also ask about the ethics of reporting a story when the police were already investigating the charges and no practical benefit was to be gained. Had this all remained secret, he could have quietly gone to jail and he probably wouldn't have attempted suicide. But the media generally doesn't care about things like that and the bigger the scoop the better].

As we speak - he is in critical condition. He might make it and might not. Even if he makes it he might have irreparable brain damage. [I wonder if his organs will be donated as per his "Eddy Card"]

What about our "Tzadik"???  

He WAS a Tzadik. 

He was also a Rasha. And a sick one at that. Sick-Sick-Sick-Sick. And EVIL. He ruined people's lives. 

The SAME guy!!!!! 

THAT is Man. He can be the highest or the lowest - or both. 

He is not the only one. 

Read this with the links. Crrrrazzzzzzy. 

Musar Haskel: Be wary of people. Accord honor to each person - but we can never know what is lurking under the surface.   

More importantly - Be wary of yourself. You are capable of greatness. You are also capable of לא תרצח לא תנאף and לא תגנוב. Learn mussar and never stop searching your inner chambers to see what evil [and good] is hiding under cover....