Wednesday, April 7, 2021

R' Elya Baruch's Trip To The USA

I saw this delightful anecdote: 

"When I learned in the Mir Yeshiva, I went on a long walk with R’ Elya Baruch Finkel zt”l and he told me that prior to traveling to the USA, Rav Schach told him he can go to Rav Soloveitchik but not to the Lubavitcher Rebbe. But Reb Nachum Partzovitz told him exactly the opposite. So he went to the Rebbe with encouragement from R’ Nachum, and he went to R’ Soloveitchik with encouragement from R’ Schach."

In the sefer Michtavim Umaamarim, Rav Schach comes out very strongly against Rav Soloveitchik. But I guess he felt that the Lubavitcher Rebbe crossed the line while RYBS was still within the fold. So it can't be accurate to say that R' Elya Baruch was "encouraged" to go to R' Soloveitchik.