Sunday, April 25, 2021

The [Wacky] Age In Which We Live

 I read this by a Jewish feminist Phd [who identifies as Orthodox]: 

After all, there simply is no denying the gendered aspect of fertility. I once expressed my frustration to a friend that although both my husband and I wanted children, I would have to bear them – a fact of biology that does not align with gender equality. My friend replied that he envied my ability to be pregnant; he would give anything to be able to have biological children with his partner. “Alas,” he said, “the injustices of the body take many forms."

She has a narrative on life and her "friend" has a narrative on life. There are clearly alternative ways to view things - and I daresay healthier ways... 

Like - It is a ZCHUS, an incredible privilege, to bear children. And in theory - the man she quoted CAN have biological children with his partner. Like the rest of us men have children with our partners.