Wednesday, April 28, 2021

The World Needs Jews And Torah

The Beis Halevi famously comments on the Pasuk "הצילני נא מיד אחי מיד עשו" that there are two ways of destroying the Jewish people. One is "עשו" - The "Haman-Hitler Method" - oceans of blood. The other is "אחי". The Goyim hug us and say "you are our brothers". Thus, we assimilate and disappear. Until about 75 years ago the first way was the preferred way. Since then, the second way has been incredibly effective. In the USA, for example, for every ten times a Jew gets married, 7 times the spouse will not be Jewish. The Goyim love us so much they go to bed with us and build families. In 1931 there were approx. 15.7 million Jews worldwide. Today, 90 years later there are approx. 14.7 million Jews worldwide. One million LESS. And my guess is that there are a LOT fewer Halachic Jews than 14.7 million. What happened? Don't we have babies? Of course we do. But there was the Holocaust and an insane amount of assimilation. 

There are two ways to destroy the Torah. One is to openly declare that the Torah must change and then changing it. That is the Conservative and Reform nusach. The other, much more insidious way, is to CLAIM that you are being faithful to the Torah while slowly but surely changing whatever you feel like. "We LOVE Torah. We are following tradition!!!" That is what we were talking about over here. There are many more examples than just women rabbis. 

If a you think that it is important to preserve Torah in this world - this should bother you. 

Frankly, even Gentiles should be bothered by assimilation. The world has been immeasurably enriched by Jews and our accomplishments can be attributed to our adherence to Jewish values. So the slow disappearance of the Jewish people due to our dwindling numbers together with the many attempts to eradicate the Torah is a universal problem.  

This is expressed beautifully by one of the top Israeli lawyers ever, Yaakov Veinrot z"l.