Thursday, July 1, 2021

Appreciate And Enjoy

Imagine life without running water, electricity, phones, computers, Internet, airplanes, air conditioning, credit cards, advanced medical care, microwave ovens, Mevakesh Lev [馃槀馃槂] etc. etc. 

Things we take TOTALLY for granted. Yet, only a hundred years ago the vast majority of people had NONE of these things.  

Your pleasure from life is commensurate to your appreciation of all of it's blessings. 

Now appreciate what they did have 100 years ago. Sunlight, oxygen, teeth, a digestive system, memory [IMAGINE LIFE W/O MEMORY!!! IT WOULD BE INSANE. EVERY SECOND WE WOULD WONDER WHO WE ARE, WE WOULDN'T KNOW HOW TO TALK, WALK OR DO ANYTHING ELSE THAT WE DO BY MEMORY!!], fingers [and our other organs] that follow instructions tens of thousands of times a day, gravity [imagine everything flying around], sleep [imagine how tired you would be if you never slept!!!], sound waves in the air [otherwise we would all be functionally deaf!!!], and the TRILLIONS of other blessings we enjoy daily.

讛讜讚讜 诇讛' 讻讬 讟讜讘 讻讬 诇注讜讜讜讜讜诇诇诇诇诐诐诐诐诐诐诐 讞住讚讜!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!