Every so often I receive an email concerning something I wrote about on the blog [e.g. "You disgusting-abominable-fanatical-insane-diabolical-homophobic-Islamaphobic-anti-semitic-racist-facist-communist-capitalistic-pig, what you wrote in this post was the worst you have ever written. You belong in a mental institution". Best Regards. "Dear Sweetest Friend - I agree with your characterization of me (although you left out a few choice adjectives) but that particular one I didn't write. I don't write that well. But thanks!!! 馃槉馃槝"].
This makes me aware of something mind-boggling:
Someone out there actually reads this...... 馃槀馃槀馃槀
To all my male readers - 馃槝馃槝.
And to the ladies - 馃榾馃榾馃憤.