Shaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalooom sweeeeetest friends!!!!!
SOOOOOOOOOOO EXCIIITING !!!!! Meeshe-meeshe-meeshe!!! It is ADAR!!! MARBIM BI-SIMCHA!!!!! As happy as we already are - we now must be yet happier!
How can we achieve simcha??? One idea.
this weeks Parsha, we read of the donations to the mishkan including
the אבני שהם ואבני מילואים לאפוד ולחושן - The Shoham and Miluim stones
for the Ephod and Choshen. These were donated last by the Nesiim.
prompted the Nesiim [Princes] to contribute first at the inauguration
of the Mizbeach [Bamidbar 7:1-2], while they did not contribute first at
the construction of the Mishkan [Tabernacle]?
The answer Chazal give
is that regarding the Mishkan, they had the attitude 'Let the public
contribute whatever they contribute and we will complete whatever is
missing.' Since the public contributed everything that was needed, the
Nesiim said 'What is left for us to do?' The only things not yet
contributed were the Shoham stones and the Miluim stones for the Ephod
and the Choshen and so that is what they brought. Therefore, they made
sure to be the first to contribute by the dedication of the Mizbeach.
they were somewhat lazy in contributing to the Mishkan, the spelling of
the word Nesiim is defective in this pasuk (without a yud between the
sin and the aleph)."
Rav Simcha Zissel Brody wonders about
Chazal's assertion that the Nesiim were lazy. Offering to make up
whatever is missing in the Mishkan building campaign does not sound like
laziness. It seems very generous!
They were ready to fill in whatever is missing!!! How KIIIIINNNDDDDD!!!
Simcha Zissel says that whenever we have an opportunity to do something
or not to do something and we decide to delay, even for the most noble
of reasons, we should realize that such an attitude is really, on a
deeper subconscious level, based on laziness and inertia. Rav Simcha
Zissel quotes Rabbeinu Bachye preface to the Chovos HaLevovos [Duties of
the Heart]: "When I first decided to write this work, the thought
crossed my mind that I was not worthy to write such a sefer. Therefore, I
changed my mind and decided not to write it. The decision not to write
it brought me some sense of relief and leisure, but I ultimately decided
it was only laziness that caused me to come to the conclusion that I
should not write it." Therefore, he did write the sefer and the rest is
history. Klal Yisrael is so much richer [not to mention the endless
real estate and stocks that Jews own that offer us a fleeting type of
riches....] for that final decision of Rabbeinu Bachye Ibn Pakuda to
write and publish Chovos HaLevovos.
BELOVED FRIENDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
have met the enemy and it is NOT Russia invading the Ukraine or Iran
preparing to Nuke the planet or global warming [doesn't seem so warm
these day in the NY area. Maybe it is really global freezing!!!
Brrrrrrrrrrrr]. It is ourselves!!! We are getting in our own way ALL TO
GEE WHIZ!!!! Why on EARTH would I subvert MYSELF? I
LOVE myself. But that is the fact. It is MY bad habits and negative
thoughts that prevent me from becoming the person I am supposed to
become. Not Biden. Not my boss. Not my spouse. ME!!!
So there is a SOLUTION!!! BARUCH HASHEEEEEMMMMMM. We are Jews. We have the answers!!!
look CLOSELY at our habits and discover what is derailing us. One of
the main culprits is LAZINESS. For example: I know so many people who
would LOVE to be able to learn better. They are frustrated. So instead
of learning more - they learn less. They find other things to do. But
there is a better way. KEEP PLUGGING!!! PERSIST!!! STAY THE COURSE!!
Like I think I once heard in the name of the Philosopher Charles Barkley: I didn't learn much from my dad
but I learned "sticktoitivness". We need more sticktoitnivness!!!
That comes to overcoming harmful eating habits, bad character traits
etc. etc.
A few eitzos I saw on overcoming laziness [see also Mesillas Yesharim Chapter 6]:
Small. Ask yourself, "Why is it too hard to do this for just 15
minutes?" It isn't, and you'll find that you quickly enjoy some tasks
Challenge Yourself. Dispute the idea that
you can't do it. Often, we learn by trial and error, and if you take a
long-range view, you'll find that you can do something difficult.
Keep Tabs. Write out your goals daily. We're more likely to stick to our plans if we monitor our progress toward a goal.
to Others. Make a public commitment to complete a task. The extrinsic
motivation provided by others will make you more conscientious about
getting it done.
Accept Incremental Progress. Dispute
the idea that you need comfort and immediate reward. Getting rid of
these ideas can refocus you on your long-term goal.
Reward Yourself. Relaxation differs from laziness in that it is a reward for a completed task. Let yourself relax after a period of sustained effort.
we are lazy - we don't feel good about ourselves and our lives!!! But
when we get things done, when we overcome obstacles, we feel
GRRRRREEEEEAAAATTTTT!! Happy and fulfilled to the core!!!! GEVALLLLLLDIK!!
With much love and brachos that you should THRIVE in all areas of life in ruchniyos and gashmiyos!!!!
An elevating, higher-than-trippin'-on-
Bi-ahava rabba,