Saturday, March 25, 2023

The Covid Vaccine

This is a [brief] email I received in response to the video that was linked in a recent post. It goes without saying that I am not a Rav, not a posek, not a doctor and not a scientist [although I DID pass the biology regents in 9th grade]. I am actually ... a nobody [on a good day]. So my opinion on this and all other matters should be heard with that in mind: 

-The fact that Rav Weiss considers emergency-use experimental gene therapies to be “proven medicine” is simply mind-boggling. Rav Weiss even says, “you only administer medicine if its known to be effective.” They have never ever succeeded in a coronavirus vaccine that did not result in ADE in all animal trials, they are injecting this vaccine into the arm of billions of healthy people without possibly knowing if they might all die of ADE. Pfizer and Moderna eliminated their control groups 6 months into the trialsWe also now know it did not stop contraction or transmission of the virus. From a top covid researcher PhD -Commentary: “Certainly, if this was a regular type of approval, we would know the full chemical structure. Here, we have never been told officially what the sequences are for these gene therapy Covid products (Pfizer, Moderna have not released them).” Pfizer wanted to suppress docs for 75 years, but Texas judge overruled).


-Rav Weiss considers the emergency-use experimental gene therapies to be “a cure b'derech ha teva” which he says according to halachah is acceptable and required as a treatment when in reality,  it’s the opposite (the experimental, unproven gene therapies were/are a new approach).

-Rav Weiss then goes on to discuss what is a natural cure vs what is derech segula. Does he know that Ivermectin, Hydroxychloriquine, Vitamin D3/K2, Zinc, etc are REAL NATURAL CURES and not “derech segula!”

-Rav Weiss has literally no idea how much cancer and heart damage has been wrought by these experimental gene therapies.  There is a wealth of empirical data and first-hand accounts to prove it.

-WORSE, Rav Weiss criticizes other Gedolim that “did not trust the medical establishment and that caused a breakdown...insane conspiracy theories....caused a total breakdown of trust… since chazal said we must trust doctors or we are lost… Today, people go to all kinds of charlatans spouting nonsense...this is a direct result of questioning medicine....” ACTUALLY, the Shulchan Aruch disagrees and says if just 2 out of 100 doctors deem a treatment to be potentially harmful, we listen to the 2 and not the 98. See my paper for more halachos and please read the attached paper from a frum yid medical scientist which is outstanding (I summarized some of it below).

-OF COURSE, when you get your statistics and “facts” from the manipulators themselves, and you believe their lies, then you stand before the people proudly and confident in your analysis and conclusions. Sadly, Rav Weiss bought the bologna hook, line and sinker (you can review a wealth of studies proving the “False, Sinister, and Duplicitous Statements of the TOGETHER Ivermectin Trial Investigators” and other works). If we follow the Torah’s directive, we will never fail to take the right cause of action. The Torah tells us not to trust those with a conflict of interest. Situational awareness, critical thinking, and tapping into the leading independent researchers and thinkers of our day that are independent of the corrupted mainstream is paramount to our continued survival as a free people.

- The “independent research” I am referring to is twofold: i) Avoid Doctors who get their paychecks from the manipulative and greedy healthcare system – they are narrowly trained and fed misinformation from the top-down. They CANNOT be the ONLY source of information and testimony and their testimony should be scrutinized thoroughly by Independent experts (qualified in toxicology, virology, epidemiology, mathematics, data analysis and with Covid researchers and experts in the integrity of clinical trials. It has now been proven beyond a reasonable doubt that the Pfizer and Moderna trials were designed to get a particular outcome and the outcomes are fraudulent. ; ii) reading and discussing highly acclaimed and peer-reviewed studies with a medical professional that one knows personally that are broad-minded, have breadth of knowledge on that particular topic (in order to establish the context in which the text was written), are healthily-skeptical, and, most of all, employ intellectual honesty (in my case I also subscribe to numerous Substacks of very talented independent researchers such as Dr. Jessica Rose, so I may gather substantial good data, analyze it and then refine it down).

-We must also consider the input and research from those amongst us who have talent and strong capabilities in data analysis, mathematics, logic, and other disciplines that have essential contributions to make to this public discussion. “The world is full of people who are very good at things; good at seeing patterns, good at handling data, good at assessing evidence and reaching conclusions…and the world is highly networked now and that segment getting more and more access to the data.”  The CDC does not have an exclusive on this for sure. In fact, the industry and its practitioners are often arrogant and narrow-minded while lacking in creativity. 

-(December 22, 2022) - Are COVID vaccines effective? Study shows chances of contracting COVID increase per dose. Three or more vaccine doses led to 300% greater likelihood of contracting COVID. A new study that followed over 50 thousand working-aged people has revealed that far from reducing the chance of contracting COVID, the vaccines actually make it more likely that an individual will contract the virus. Not only that, the risk of contracting COVID was actually shown to increase dramatically in relation to the number of vaccine doses a person received. The study involved 51,000 employees of the Cleveland Clinic between September and December of 2022.

** Quarantine + Vaccination = weaker immune systems, no trust in the natural immunity Hashem endowed us with (Rabbi Avigdor Miller ztl’ would be furious about this!). 60-72% of people are obese and spend 93% of their day indoors missing out on important oxygen and Vitamin D from the sun. The food and drinks we are ingesting are filled with toxins (most people trust what they are buying and don’t realize how things have shifted.

--by May 2022 having ever taken a covid vaxx was associated with 22-74% greater all-cause mortality vs being unvaccinated, and this was true in ALL age stratifications. Risk rates were still rising when publication of this data series was discontinued and could well be higher now. Some benefit against “death by covid” was still in evidence but was rapidly diminishing and was clearly either being miscounted or swamped by some other form of mortality. This implies deeply negative overall risk/reward from covid vaccines and raises pointed questions about their continued promotion and the processes by which they were approved. There was no age group in which they were associated with overall mortality benefit. Based on the best data I have seen, having ever been vaccinated looked to be associated with something on the order of 50-60% higher rates of all-cause mortality in the UK by May. That’s a seriously bad outcome and either this “shark armor” is being sold under false pretenses of efficacy or the drowning risk it adds is by far dominating any selachimorpha snack suppression. Yes, this is not RCT data, but honestly, i think it’s about as good as we’re ever going to get here. here

--Most Americans gained immunity through natural infection, which substantially boosts protection.

(Jan 22, 2023)

(Sept 22, 2023: Did the COVID Unvaccinated Fare Better or Worse Than the Vaccinated? The Results Are In: in the vast majority of the cases, the unvaccinated patients’ symptoms were mild and moderate. The rate of severe illness appeared to be very low (around 2 percent of all respondents). Only 74 individuals among the 5,196 (1.4 percent) confirmed or suspected infected respondents reported that they were hospitalized.

-Nevertheless, the data here still indicates that this group of unvaccinated people were not more prone to the infection by Omicron, even though they were not protected by the vaccines. Otherwise, the percentage of infection and hospitalization rates among this group of people would be much higher. Therefore, this is a very important piece of data, as well as the core observation in this study. here

--Circulating Spike Protein Detected in Post–COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Myocarditis; adolescents & young adults developing myocarditis after vaccination with COVID mRNA gene injection reported globally

-Would you not liked to have heard about this study in the news, highlighting this critical finding that could help inform you? Help inform your decision making after 3 years of lie after lie by the governments and their lackies? Of course, but you will not! No, the corrupted political biased media will not share this, pressured by government health officials and pharma to cover this up. So I will tell you:

Truth is what Yonker et al. are documenting now we have written about near 2 years now. Thanks for this good research and documentation. Many thanks to the journal for publishing.

Across the world, excess mortality has dramatically risen since the rollout of the jabs. If they were beneficial, you’d expect excess mortality to drop. We’re also not seeing mass death from COVID. The only clear factor that might account for these discrepancies is mass injection with an experimental gene transfer technologyMost COVID-19 related deaths are also occurring among the fully jabbed and boosted.

The average age of death due to COVID-19 was 82,6 which is actually older than the average life span, and mortality rates only increased by 3.8% among 65- to 74-year-olds and 2.4% among those aged 75 to 84. Life insurance data also confirm that it’s working age adults who are dying in record numbers.7

Excess Mortality Took Off After COVID Shots Were Introduced


-馃憦 Short Clip from the Leading Virologist in the World (who has been right about everything thus far):

-"The immune status of the vaccinated is fundamentally different from the unvaccinated. My heart goes out to those vaccinated.” – Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche



Summary of the attached paper from a frum medical scientist.  Outstanding work.

Everything I have written is first-hand knowledge and researched by me and many others.”  Entire paper attached. Below are some excerpts. Note:  Doctors have warned that they suspect that the current childhood vaccines may well be using the lethal mRNA technology as well

 A government paper titled Factors influencing COVID-19 vaccine uptake among minority ethnic groups 45 suggested that vaccines should be administered in community-based settings. Now you know why Hatzola was recruited.

Arguments are made that one should trust the doctor when it comes to vaccines because they spent 15 years in medical school studying medicine. The problem with this logic is that just like doctors don’t know about plumbing or astronomy they also don’t know about vaccinesI’ve yet to meet a doctor that has checked the studies performed on vaccine efficacy and safety and still believes that they are a good intervention. The doctor spent 15 years being indoctrinated with allopathic medicine and becomes accustomed to a group think that shuns all other forms healing including natural healing, diet and nutrition. This can only be explained by the stranglehold that Big Pharma has on scientific research and education. The pharmaceutical companies invest in sponsoring education and studies that will be to their benefit. If a pharmaceutical company produces a study and they want that study to get published in the journal, they will buy up half a million copies of that study at full price when that study gets published. That translates into millions of dollars to the journal editorsThen doctors rely on these journals and prescribe medicine accordinglyNo, you cannot rely on doctors and must not get swept away by the Pharma sponsored media and its vaccine shills.

 Another example is Chemotherapy. Little do people know that a 14-year study involving 154,971 cancer patients from Australia and the US representing 22 different types of cancer found a mere 2.3% survived chemotherapy and lived on more than five years.46 In other wordsChemotherapy is more than 96% ineffective. Even the small per cent that survived had probably nothing to do with chemotherapy and would have gone on living without it.47 In contrast the safe & effective vitamin B17 which can be found naturally in in various organic forms especially in apricot kernels has a much higher benefit than chemotherapy and unlike chemotherapy it is not at all toxic to healthy cells. The vitamin B17 molecule contains two units of glucose, a unit of benzaldehyde and a unit of cyanide. Although the latter two are toxic on their own and benzaldehyde together with cyanide is even more toxic—about one hundred times more toxic than on their own—however when they are combined with glucose they are safe for consumption. This is pretty much like table salt (sodium chloride) that contains the lethal gas chlorine however in its molecular combination it is perfectly safe for consumption. Cancerous cells contain high amounts of the enzyme called beta-glucosidase which can unlock the benzaldehyde and cyanide from the glucose. This is highly toxic for the cancer cells and kills them. Beta-glucosidase is found in other parts of the body but at safe levels and together with and enzyme called rhodanese which neutralizes the benzaldehyde and cyanide, converting them to other nutrients like vitamin B12 however rhodanese is not found in cancerous cells.

That is one of many effective cancer treatments available. So why doesn’t established medicine recognise them, rather they promote ineffective and toxic albeit lucrative, chemotherapy? The answer couldn’t be simpler. Think about it, just imagine if we can cure cancer with a vitamin supplement or another cheap medicine, that would mean thousands upon thousands of doctors, researchers, oncologists, radiologists and many others would become redundant overnight. The immense billions of pounds that the pharmaceutical companies garner from the various risky treatments would come to a close. With their billions at stake Big Pharma have used their financial leverage to destroy anyone competitors curing cancer. It is squarely against the Torah to accept chemotherapy or radiotherapy etc. because there is no liability for terminal illness and there is also no risk to the physician’s carrier if the patient dies. See 讬讜专讛 讚注讛 住讬诪谉 拽谞"

Psychological Games

It is obvious that the medical establishment and their patrons i.e. the pharmaceutical companies have a major problem with the truth. If people were to become aware of the problems with vaccines and the lack of data the vaccine efficacy and safety is based on the whole house would fall down like a stack of cards. In order to keep the public trust the medical cartel resort to information wars using various media outlets to indoctrinate the masses. One of their most commonly used tactic is to ridicule dissenting voices with humiliating remarks. The pejorative anti-vax is used liberally on any one—no matter how credible and accomplished they are—who voices concerns about vaccine safety. Imagine derisively calling someone “anti-tobacco” because he thinks smoking is dangerous. What about “anti-kill” for someone who thinks it is immoral to kill people. “Why do you think terrorism is evil? You’re just anti-terror.” Does that remark make any sense to you? Well neither should “what have you against vaccines, are you an anti-vaxer?” make any sense. The reason why people actually buy this prank is because it is normalised and those who are educated about vaccines are marginalised by Big Media which is nothing more than a cesspool of lying toads. For a bit of money these brainless “reporters” will “report” on the most bizarre stories even if the information is precariously misleading. We have seen that, time and time again over the years especially during covid where the media was used as a fear pawn for compliance with a totalitarian government. It is no secret that the government have a Behavioural Insights Team (BIT) or otherwise known as the Nudge Unit to manipulate the populace’s behaviours and perception. Short virtue signalling slogans are a typical tool for behaviour manipulation like “We’re in it together”, “Save the NHS”, “Stay home stay safe”, “Save the NHS” or “We stand with Ukraine” which consents the herd to follow like sheep to their own detriment.

 mRNA Vaccines

I now want to share with you a much more sinister concern but first a little explanation is in order. Vaccines are supposed to work on the premise that when the body is attacked by harmful bacteria, germ or virus the immune system creates antibodies against the illness and on exposure to the illness a second time the body recognises the illness and the antibodies eliminate the illness upon entry hence the person is protected against the illness. It is believed that if one introduces an attenuated form of a virus into the blood stream the body will have the desired immune response i.e. create protecting antibodies without coming down with the disease. This is obviously not so simple and in many cases the body cannot detect the virus which lingers in the body and can therefore cause all sorts of chronic and autoimmune illness.

In order to inoculate a virus into the body one needs to propagate large quantities of the virus on human or animal tissue then kill or attenuate the virus with various chemicals. The virus has to be stored in a liquid with proteins, preservatives and other toxic materials. Because a diluted virus cannot easily be recognised most vaccines have an adjuvant which activates the body’s immune system. If for example a wheat, dairy or peanut protein is introduced into the body through the vaccine with an adjuvant the body may create antibodies against wheat, milk or peanuts. If such a person would then eat peanuts or drink milk they could have a life-threatening anaphylactic reaction. Sounds familiar doesn’t it?

This is a long, complicated and expensive process and requires major manufacturing plants with extreme protection measures lest the virus infect the vaccine developer’s staff. An excellent substitute is messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) vaccines. The way these vaccines work is by introducing a genetic sequence into the body that uses the cell’s machinery to synthesize proteins that resemble part of the virus which is supposed to be benign to the body, however enough to create an immune response. For example the backbone of the Pfizer BioNTech covid vaccine is a lipid nanoparticle (a small bubble of fat). Inside the nanoparticle is a ‘messenger ribonucleic acid’ (mRNA). This is a tiny piece of genetic material that provides the instructions for a cell to manufacture a modified version of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein. When these nanoparticles are injected into the body, they are intended to fuse with cells with which they come into contact. When this happens, the mRNA migrates from the lipid nanoparticle and into the cell and the cell ‘machinery’ then uses this mRNA ‘blueprint’ to manufacture the modified version of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein. This protein is the target for the immune system one of the two signals required for the immune system to become activated. It is not entirely clear what provides the second signal that tells the person’s immune system that the target it is seeing is dangerous and, therefore, worth responding to. However, mRNA vaccines promote inflammation that can cause injury to normal tissueWhen cells are injured, they release ‘danger signals’. This might be what is providing the second signal needed to induce an immune response.

The mRNA technology could save the whole propagation process and the gene code can easily be changed. Because coronaviruses and other respiratory viruses tend to transform and create many different strains this technology would be most appropriate because the gene code could be updated accordingly. This is such a crazy race for time that the covid vaccines totally failed to keep up with the virusAnyone receiving a covid vaccine is receiving an obsolete strain which no longer exists hence even if we were to gullibly believe the pharmaceutical companies’ initial efficacy rate this would be short-lived and receiving the vaccine is plain risk without any benefit at all.

What could go wrong? Plenty! For starters, what if the mRNA were to edit the DNA permanentlyThis could mean that the person will go on producing virus proteins indefinitely. It has already been observed to reverse-transcribe into the genes and permanently alter the DNA. Altering the genes is a recipe for cancers. Another serious issue is that in order to inject the mRNA into the body the mRNA is encapsulated in a lipid nano particle (LNP). The LNP can get to anywhere in the body including the brain. One would not want virus protein in the brain. The LNPs are comprised of ionisable cationic lipids, phospholipids, cholesterol and polyethylene glycols (PEGs), which are used to control the LNP size (60-100nm), prolong circulation time and prevent LNP aggregation during vaccine storage.41 Concern was raised years ago regarding the safety of LNPs due to their bio distributionThe glycol coating of the LNP’s are highly toxic which can cause heart inflammation and death as has been acutely observed from the covid vaccines. Blood clotting has been reported non-stop from the mRNA covid vaccineImmune cells are impaired for prolonged periods, putting the vaccinated at a high risk of all infections and cancer. The vaccine inhibits two very important DNA repair enzymes, BRCA1 and 53BP1, whose duty it is to repair damage to the cell’s DNA; this spells cancerExtensive invasion of small blood vessels with massive numbers of lymphocytes, which cause extensive cell destruction when unleashed. mRNA vaccines dramatically increase inflammation on the endothelium and T cell infiltration of cardiac muscle and may account for the observations of increased thrombosis, cardiomyopathy, and other vascular events following vaccination.42 In Pfizer’s Cumulative Analysis of Post-authorization Adverse Event Reports—from about two years ago—there is a “List of Adverse Events of Special Interest” with 1,291 different types of adverse events listed. They write on page 16 regarding this list that:

The Adverse Events of Special Interest terms are incorporated into a targeted medically event list and include events of interest due to their association with severe COVID-19 and events of interest for vaccines in general.

That means it will be years till we can rule out this long list and the fact that almost all of the millions of adverse events that were reported following covid-19 vaccination have been dismissed out of hand as having nothing to do with the vaccine is a total disregard for people’s lives and a testimony to the murderous behaviour of public health institutions and pharmaceutical companies. With that in mind you have to be a huge imbecile to allow them to poison you with any of their jabs.

Doctors have warned that they suspect that the current childhood vaccines may well be using the lethal mRNA technology. This includes Biotech Analyst Karen Kingston who is urging parents to be cautious when following the childhood immunization schedule mainly because vaccine manufacturers may be changing their traditional vaccines to mRNA. Also Dr Michael Yeadon BSs Hons Biochem Tox U Surrey, PhD Pharmacology U Surrey. Managing Director, Yeadon Consulting Ltd, former Pfizer Vice President & Chief Scientist wrote in an email to a community activist in Gateshead that he suspects that they will be using mRNA technology and he would not recommend receiving any vaccines because the pharma companies have lost our trust altogether. In other words it is most likely that the vaccines are actually gene therapies. Although some of the above problems with the covid vaccines might be specifically related to the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein the proteins or virus particles of polio or measles or rubella or whatever other virus they will be immunising against might be far worse. True, vaccines have been in use for years—and have caused countless problems—they were however injecting a dead or attenuated virus. Now with mRNA “vaccines” the body will be creating live particles of the virus in huge quantities that may be far more lethal than the covid spike protein. We have to bear in mind that even though covid for almost everyone was a benign virus only harming the elderly and immunocompromised with one or two comorbidities, the vaccine induced covid spike protein, however, was lethal and harmed or killed many of the healthy, fit and young populationWhatever damage the classical polio vaccines caused will most likely be dwarfed against the damage that an mRNA polio vaccine could 讞"讜 cause. Besides, we have absolutely no long-term data for mRNA technology, which means the future of a recipient is unknown and they could 讞"讜 come down with cancer or worse 讛砖诐 讬专讞诐 . Another point worth making is that even though the vaccine ingredients can be analysed by many laboratories, it will be impossible for standard laboratories to be able to decipher the genetic string in the mRNA, hence no one will even know if the “vaccine” will be against polio or just a relabelled covid jab. The pharmaceutical companies might want to sell their surplus stock of the detested covid vaccine. After so much has been exposed no one is buying the propaganda anymore. This could be a hoax to fill the coffers of the pharmaceutical companies.

On what is based the suspicion that mRNA vaccines are replacing the classical vaccines? Firstly orders have been placed by many countries for huge quantities of mRNA doses from ModeRNA and Pfizer. Seeing that there is no longer a demand for covid vaccines, this must be for other vaccines. Secondly, that has been talk for years already to change the vaccine manufacturing process. As has been explained the mRNA technology offers a way round propagating viruses in host cells like monkey kidneys or other tissues. Now that the technology is available it only makes sense that they would start to use it without notice. After all, they claim that the covid vaccines are safe and effective and in the US the notorious CDC has already added the mRNA covid vaccines to the childhood immunisation schedule. Thirdly, it has long been in the plans to introduce replace vaccines with mRNA gene therapy.43, 44 Finally, I will quote to you a chapter from the notorious World Health Organization’s (WHO) Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI) 2021 Annual Report:


A major success was achieved for the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI) in 2021 when the novel oral polio vaccine type 2 (nOPV2) was introduced as an additional tool in the global GPEI vaccine arsenal.

This new tool was introduced in March 2021, as the first-ever vaccine to receive WHO Emergency Use Listing (EUL), to more effectively and sustainably stop cVDPV2. A new-generation oral polio vaccine (OPV), it offers the same benefits as the traditional OPV, with the added benefit of increased genetic stability, which makes it less likely to be associated with the emergence of new cVDPVs. The experience and knowledge gained through the EUL process also proved invaluable in helping secure licences for COVID-19 vaccines globally, a further example of the broader benefits of polio eradication.

Following an initial use period, in October 2021, nOPV2 graduated to broader use and, by the end of the year, more than 100 million doses of this revolutionary new tool had been successfully administered. However, as with any vaccine, nOPV2 is only as good as the proportion of children that it reaches – hence, high-quality and rapid response campaigns are critical to successfully stopping any outbreak. At the same time, nOPV2 supply continued to be managed alongside other vaccines, and countries were strongly encouraged to respond rapidly to outbreaks with the most appropriate, available vaccine. A timely and high-quality outbreak response is the most critical factor to rapidly stopping outbreaks.

They proudly brag about administering 100,000,000 doses of a novel vaccine that was given only Emergency Use ListingThat means this vaccine is somewhat an experiment. Oral vaccines are not generally administered in developed countries, however they used them on developing countries as per WHO’s malevolent conduct to experiment on African children. They even proudly wrote how this “experience” of the EUL process “proved invaluable in helping secure licences for COVID-19 vaccines globally, a further example of the broader benefits of polio eradication.” No comment necessary.

Nowhere do they indicate that this novel vaccine is an mRNA vaccine. What we can learn though, is that they have no problem administering hundreds of millions of doses of a novel vaccine without fully testing it because of a non-existent emergency—judging from the covid comparison. No doubt the recipients were not informed of this vital piece of information. It therefore follows that nothing would stop them using an mRNA vaccine without explicitly informing us under another alleged emergency like the so called Rockland County non-existent outbreak.

This same WHO are working hard on a “Pandemic Treaty” which will override the laws of every country in case of a pandemic. All countries subscribing to the treaty—which is most of the world—will obey the dictates of WHO’s Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, who never went to medical school and his organisation gets everything wrong all the time. The proposed treaty will allow the organisation to declare a potential hazard and act accordingly. They just need to say that they suspect a transmissible disease and put everyone under house arrest and then force whatever medical interventions they feel is necessary. One of the many proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR) is to the first paragraph of Article 3 in the existing Regulations which describes the core principles of the International Health Regulations. The current version of the IHR does defend the unalienable rights of We the People. It currently states that the regulations must be implemented with full respect for the dignity, human rights and fundamental freedoms of people, but the proposed amendment would omit those 13 vitally important words in bold type. The proposal submitted by the delegation from India would replace those words with a focus on the transfer of wealth and would replace individual rights with inclusivityThis is a direct assault on the rights and freedoms of every human being. This is a direct assault on humanity itself.

But run and get the vaccine because SHC, JUMP, Interlink, The FED and all the other secular-minded Judenrat think it’s a good idea. 

(“like the way you dismiss mRNA & DNA vaccine technology inventor Dr Robert W Malone—who received two doses of the Moderna vaccine—as a "so-called expert" spreading anti-vax misinformation. Really?!

What about Dr Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH, FACP, FACC, FCCP, FAHA, FNKF, FNLA, FCRSA, the most published doctor in his field in history in the entire world—as you can see in his Curriculum Vitae attached to the previous email—is he also a so called expert? And what about Dr Paul E Marik, the second most published ICU doctor in the world? Is one of the world’s most brilliant vaccinologist Dr Geert Vanden Bossche, PhD, DVM, who has held lead positions in GlaxoSmithKline, Novartis, Solvay, The Gates Foundation, GAVI, Univac, DAIF and VARECO, another so called expert? Is the former Chief Scientist and Vice President of Pfizer, Dr Michael Yeadon, also a so-called expert? Really?! You have no problem brushing aside their expertise in favour of a comfortable narrative with no evidence or scientific support?

Is a five hour panel of experts—including some of the above doctors—giving testimony in Washington DC a vast web of anti-vax misinformation?! You can hear the testimonies of vaccine injured and board-certified pathologist Dr Ryan Cole—CEO of Cole Diagnostics, Boise, Idaho, who has the largest laboratory in Idaho and does approximately 40,000 biopsies annually—explain the mechanisms why we are seeing a 20x increase in cancers after covid vaccines. Hear Attorney Thomas Renz name the whistle-blowers from the US military who he is presenting to the court, their testimonies given under oath are under penalty of perjury.

But they are just so-called experts, however Professor Alan Silman—who never even looked at the Pfizer clinical trials protocol, US government’s VAERS database or the EU’s EudraVigilance database and could only supply us with a fraudulent pathetic study to support his preposterous claims of vaccine safety during in pregnancy—is an expert who we should listen to.

How many years did the experts at the Royal College of Midwives and the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists spend studying mRNA vaccines? More than Dr Robert Malone?

You obviously didn’t bother to read Dr Thorp’s letter to The American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology (ABOG). You would have noticed that most of the 1,019 studies he cited are from the US Government’s NIH website, not some anti-vax misinformation. You would have seen graphs based on the US VAERS database. How can you advise thousands of people without doing a minimal of your own research?

You would also have noticed that he quotes from the ABOG’s website27 the following statement:

The American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology (ABOG) fully supports the statement published by the Federation of State Medical Boards (FSMB) that asserts that providing misinformation about the COVID-19 vaccine contradicts physicians' ethical and professional responsibilities, and therefore may subject a physician to disciplinary actions, including suspension or revocation of their medical license. Additionally, ABOG supports a recent American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS) statement, which expresses concern regarding the serious public health effects of the persistent spread of misinformation regarding the COVID-19 virus. Don’t you think that may silence doctors from speaking up even if they witness first-hand that the vaccine is injuring people?

 Seeing that probably the entire community has already acquired natural immunitywhy are you ignoring the science that dictates their immunity is far superior to vaccine immunity?A natural infection induces hundreds upon hundreds of antibodies against all proteins of the virus, including the envelope, the membrane, the nucleocapsid, and the spike. Dozens upon dozens of these antibodies neutralize the virus when encountered again. Additionally, because of the immune system exposure to these numerous proteins (epitomes), our T cells mount a robust memory, as well. Our T cells are the ‘marines’ of the immune system and the first line of defence against pathogens. T cell memory to those infected with SARSCov1 is at 17 years and running still. In vaccine-induced immunity we mount an antibody response to only the spike and its constituent proteins and this produces much fewer neutralizing antibodies, and as the virus preferentially mutates at the spike, these proteins are shaped differently and antibodies can no longer ‘lock and key’ bind to these new shapes.

Can you name even one vaccine—prior to covid—that was ever claimed to immunise more than the natural infection?

Can you name even one licensed product that Moderna produced prior to covid?

Can you name even one mRNA or DNA vaccine that has been rolled out on the public prior to covid?

Can we rule out adverse events that show up after 2 or 3 years, before that time has elapsed? You claimed in your first advert that no corners were cut but with no long-term studies how can that possibly be true.

If you can’t answer these questions, then you have to admit that it is you who is spreading misinformation.

The CDC, NIAID, NIH, and FDA admit that the vaccines cannot stop transmission; therefore will you apologise to the community for advising them to give this experimental gene therapy to their five year olds to protect other immunocompromised.

I have communicated with many people regarding the covid vaccines and I can tell that those who support a more cautious approach are always prepared to discuss and debate the science and can always supply me with adequate evidence to support their claims. However those who support vaccine obedience never can show any scientific evidence and as soon as you get into any detail they want to end the discussion. Why do you think that might be?

They are already giving out a fourth dose. If that is not proof that the vaccine is a failure then what is? Why would they give another dose if breakthrough cases of severe disease are rare? Why pay millions or possibly billions if the vaccine is working so effectively?

Do you say an Ani Maamin every day that the covid vaccines are safe and effective? Your persistent belief in them is an article of faith rather than a well thought out conclusion.

The reason why you want to end our discussion is because you cannot answer my challenges and it is too embarrassing at this point to admit your error. You have no science to back up any of your claims and you totally ignored all the evidence I supplied. Instead of discussing logic, data and science you rather use the “anti-vax” pejorative and dismiss the world’s greatest scientists as “so called experts” SHAME ON YOU.

You will most probably ignore all the above facts so I challenge you to ask a third opinion from a professional who is neutral on the subject. Show him our conversation and ask his expert opinion.

If you cannot give me a reasonable reply I will have to go public.

I'm sorry to have put you in such a position but the severity of the matter has forced me to do so.

Anticipating your reply. Nesanel

 Pregnancy and the mRNA “Vaccine” - Even in that small sample there was an astonishing safety alarm that 4 out of 5 women who received their vaccine before 20 weeks had a spontaneous abortion. The study authors obfuscated this finding by adding those women who received the vaccine during the 3rd trimester, to their risk calculation (another 700 women to the 127 women who received the vaccine before 20 weeks) in order to provide the desired results. I wrote to Professor Silman and in his reply (which he cc’d to you) he agreed that I had spotted well and the authors have addressed the problem. I have looked at the latest edition of the paper I could get and have not found anything that changes my observation. I replied to Professor Silman as follows: (see above) His reply was: (see above)

I cannot rely on these fraudulent scientists in the NEJM paper to report reliably and I have had to search elsewhere. According to this article2 there has been a 3016% increase in stillbirths after the covid vaccine. We have to consider this information carefully before we advise pregnant women to vaccinate. So after doing my due diligence I am asking you to let me know why all this data is being ignored?

I have attached an important letter undersigned by three Rabbis who sat on a Beis Din and listened to 8 hours of expert testimony3. They write:

4) We have heard testimonies from individuals and from experts in the medical field, suggesting that it may be dangerous for pregnant women to be around people who have had the injection. This can be due to a phenomenon called "shedding," as it pertains to some types of vaccinations and gene therapies as discussed in the FDA’s guidance on shedding from gene therapies. It is unclear whether it applies to the gene product only (the spike protein) or also to the genetic message (the mRNA or the adenoviral vector). It is unclear how long the shedding might be taking place – i.e., how long a recipient of the injection can affect a pregnant woman by being in her proximity. Hence, it is best to err on the side of caution – a minimum recommendation of distancing oneself from a pregnant woman for at least two weeks after receiving the injection is strongly suggested (although some have suggested that the effect may last up to ten months, or may even be indefinite).

Pfizer write in their trial protocols page 62, Section 8.3.5 (Exposure During Pregnancy):

various exposure events which needed to be reported to Pfizer Safety within 24 hours, and they include: A woman who discovers she is pregnant while participating in the trial, secondhand exposure - a man who has received the vaccine and exposed to his wife by inhalation or skin contact to himself at or around the time of conception, a female family member or healthcare provider who reports that she is pregnant after having been exposed to the vaccine (from someone who took it) by inhalation or skin contact, and craziest of all, third-hand exposure – a male family member or healthcare provider who has been exposed to someone else’s vaccine by inhalation or skin contact, and then exposes his wife at or around the time of her conception.

The following links corroborate their ruling:

Another important point is that the lipid nanoparticles could potentially cross the placenta as the data in this study4 indicateThis could then cause neurological damage to the foetus which we will only be able to identify in three or so years from now. Who takes responsibility if all these foetuses grow into retarded children?

May I add that last week the community was shocked to learn of the sudden death of Mrs Fulda (50 years old) two weeks after her booster shot. I don’t know that the vaccine was the cause but it is in line with an ever increasing number of such “coincidences” following the covid vaccines. If covid has taught us anything it is that we cannot rely on the media or the government to tell us the truth. Think about it, why have governments ignored the science regarding early treatments like HCQ5 & zinc or Ivermectin6 (which they labelled a horse drug even though it has been used safely tens of billions of times by humans—would they label amoxicillin a horse drug just because horses also use it) and budesonide7. The Lancet8 had to retract their “study” against the use of HCQ after it was revealed by the Guardian9 newspaper that it had been completely fabricated and written by a sci-fi writer and a porn star. There were a few trials done with lethal doses of HCQ in order to discredit its use; see this article10.

Why this whole crusade to discredit these useful treatments? And why did Fauci recommend using Remdesivir, a drug that he knew was toxic from the Ebola trialsThey removed it from the trials after more than half the patients died from this drug which was causing kidney failure. But that did not stop this evil doctor from re-purposing this drug for covid-19 even though the WHO study found that this drug is absolutely ineffective against covid-19. We now know why so many covid patients had kidney failure—it was from Remdesivir.

I suggest that because HCQ, Ivermectin, budesonide, etc. are off patent drugs, they have been sabotaged. The pharmaceutical companies cannot make big money from them. However, they can reap billions from jabs and Remdesivir etc.

You mentioned about 70% effectiveness and 95% effectiveness. These figures are from the companies that made the drugs. Seeing that they have no liability whatsoever and that they have billions of pounds at stake can we trust them? It is only too easy to massage the data to fit in with their money agenda. Let’s not forget that Pfizer from the years 1991 through 2017 have paid $4,728,000,000 in 34 settlements for their criminal actionsThe other Pharma behemoths have paid similar figures too. So why are the governments allowing these companies to run their own trials? Why are otherwise sensible doctors relying on these studies to evaluate the safety and efficacy of the vaccines?

Honestly, if these vaccines were so effective then why are they giving a third and fourth shot within a year? We were told that after two shots the vaccine would give immunity at least to minimise hospitalisations and death. If there were only a few rare breakthrough cases as—Professor Silman would have us believe—then why would they spend billions of pounds to vaccinate the population with more and more doses?

Natural immunity is conspicuously missing from your article. Natural immunity is far more robust and broad than vaccine immunity. A vaccine can only harm such people and can likely cause exacerbated and dangerous hyper-inflammatory immune responses. See attached a file labelled “123 Research Studies Affirm Naturally Acquired Immunity to Covid-19 Documented, Linked, and Quoted.pdf”.

These questions are serious and I beg you to give them the appropriate attention they deserve because a lot is at stake.

You mentioned that the covid vaccines have saved millions. I’ve sent an attachment called The Unz Review that can easily be verified if you follow the sources. The real assessment of the safety of vaccines is to analyse the all-cause mortality of the vaccine recipients and compare that with the placebo recipients. What regulating agencies and the pharmaceutical companies are doing is looking at the covid results. If the vaccine group has less covid deaths, then the vaccines are considered successful. This can be seen from the Six Month Safety and Efficacy of the BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine results as outlined in this article11.

I suggest you take a look at the official numbers on EU’s EudraVigilance12 database and the US’s VAERS13 database and remember that in 2007 the CDC funded a study14 (costing over $1,000,000) by Harvard Pilgrim Health Care for three years involving 715,000 patients that found “fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse events are reported”. You can most certainly add these 150,000 deaths15 and these 45,000 deaths16.

Please, please, deliberate this information judiciously and correct me if I am mistaken in my assessments.

I thank you for your precious time.



I sent you the link with the hours of testimonies of world class experts in the field of vaccinologyExperts that you will never find in the Royal College of Midwives or the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists—who probably know next to nothing about how these covid inoculations really vaccines work. This is not their field and they should not be commenting on this. The quote which you sent me from the Royal College of Midwives and the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists about 275K pregnant women is not even their own observation or expert opinion. This has been touted by John Hopkins University and parroted by many pharma sponsored universities globally. The John Hopkins University website refers you to the CDC. The only study which the CDC cites to backup this claim is the very study from the NEJM which you sent me. There is no question that the study authors were covering up damning information. This can be seen so clearly in the study you sent me like I have already proved.

Besides, the combining of women from both the UK and US is yet another way of covering up the safety concerns. About 200K are from the US. Wouldn’t it be easier to find safety signals if we would concentrate on the UK inoculations only?

Considering that in normal circumstances, about one in ten pregnant women miscarry, if a woman would have a spontaneous abortion after the vaccine they would probably not associate this event to the vaccineThe only way to discern safety signals is to look at the number of miscarriages since the vaccine roll-out and compare that to the number of miscarriages during this time frame the last few years. This has not been done by any of the “experts” you defer to. There is no difference between someone who can’t read and someone who doesn’t read, both are not in the know. I quoted from Pfizer's own trial protocol about Exposure During Pregnancy which I assume that you agree that Pfizer are expert enough to defer to. Why are you ignoring what they themselves are reporting? And what about the untouchable natural immunity which you have totally avoided? You know only too well that there is no justifiable reason to vaccinate someone who has recovered from covid-19.

Although in Waterloo, Ontario they see five to six stillbirths a year, since the covid-19 jabs they have seen 86 stillbirths in six months22. Do you see a safety signal here? Well, neither the Royal College of Midwives nor the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists—which you refer to them as experts—did. They are either incompetent or evil; make your choice.

Now with regards to the other statement: 'Of those pregnant women in hospital with symptomatic COVID-19, 98% are unvaccinated, and no fully vaccinated pregnant women were admitted to intensive care with COVID-19 in England between February and the end of September 2021. Around one in 5 women who are hospitalised with the virus need to be delivered preterm to help them recover and one in 5 of their babies need care in the neonatal unit.' I am most surprised you did not see through this misleading technical truth. My concern was about miscarriage therefore if a women had her pregnancy terminated because of the covid vaccine, even if she were to come down with a serious covid case she would not be pregnant when admitted to hospital.

Besides, there may well be a bias resulting in this percentage. If the vast majority of pregnant women did not get the vaccine then naturally you would expect that unvaccinated women would be more likely to fill the ICU. Spontaneous abortions would not normally visit the ICU and depending on what stage of pregnancy, they might not even visit the hospital.

One thing is certain: these gene therapy inoculations were never studied in a trial for pregnant women rather they were rolled out without any knowledge of possible short- or long-term outcomes.

The 14 studies cited in the advert have many of the above limitations and cannot be considered studies. A study usually is when two groups (vaccine and control) are enrolled and are monitored the whole duration of the study. These 14 studies are anecdotal and are from unsolicited reports (which mean those who join in the study voluntarily report if they see an adverse side effect). Because over 10% of pregnancies are terminated in usual day to day life one cannot monitor safety signals in this fashion like I mentioned earlier (I will yet scrutinise even this limited data and consult with the experts including statisticians, gynaecologists and immunologists as I usually do.)

Please see the attached letter from Dr James Thorp MD ObGyn and the myriad references at the end of his letter. I believe that his words are more than convincing and the evidence he supplies is overwhelming, however feel free to challenge them using the scientific method.

Regarding the efficacy of the vaccines, I refer you to the attached report from Public Health Scotland. See the graphs on page 47 you will observe that amongst the younger age groups not only are the vaccines useless at protecting against omicron on the contrary the more one vaccinates, the more susceptible one becomes.

The dangers of covid for pregnant women have been overstated in your advert and are totally irrelevant for omicron variant which is far milder than the previous strains according to all experts across the board.

LNP’s—which 40,000,000,000,000 are injected into the arm of a vacinee—are used for chemotherapy in order to penetrate the narrowest passages in the body. To state that “Ingredients do not cross the placenta or reach the baby” is beyond absurd.

Steve Kirsch23 a silicon valley entrepreneur and philanthropist who had two covid shots without any reactions, however on learning of friends who were injured and killed from the shots he got involved using his contacts with some people high up in the hierarchy. I have attached a report of athlete collapses/deaths which Kirsch has released which has been fact checked by a CIA trained analyst. Tell me, when have we ever seen an athlete collapsing on the turf? Since the vaccine roll-out this has become “the new normal” with increasing momentum the more the athletes are coerced into vaccinating as you can easily discern observing the increasing number of collapses in the later months of the report.

Are you aware that encouraging and certainly coercing people to enrol in these investigational vaccines24 is a violation of the Nuremberg Code? A team of over 1,000 lawyers and over 10,000 medical experts led by German Dr Reiner Fuellmich have begun legal proceedings against the CDC, WHO & the Davos Group for crimes against humanity. Recently another claim has been filed to the International Criminal Court in The Hague see the attached “Legal Document” there is a lot of vital information in that document. So I am asking you to think about the possible consequences before advising thousands of people to enrol in an experiment which no one in the entire universe—other than Hashem—knows what will happen to the recipients two or three years down the line. Please look carefully at the following statements regarding ADE: ADE is the problem with some viruses, including coronaviruses, where when you give a vaccine for it, it just makes things worse. Often, instead of the body’s immune system fighting off the virus well on its own, as it was doing until now, the person or animal becomes violently ill when exposed to the virus after vaccination, usually leading to death. This was clearly seen during previous attempts at creating coronavirus vaccines for SARS and MERS, over a decade ago, and is the reason that no coronavirus vaccine was ever successfully brought to market until now.

To be very clear – ADE is a severe side effect that is expected, based on animal trials in previous coronavirus vaccines, to mostly be seen in the long-term, even years after taking the vaccine – primarily when the vaccine-induced antibodies begin to wane. At that time, there is a severe risk of cytokine storm and death.

So even though they have never ever succeeded in a coronavirus vaccine that did not result in ADE in all animal trials, they are injecting this vaccine into the arm of billions of healthy people without possibly knowing if they might all die of ADE. No one can possibly rule out this very likely problem at this early stage. You probably never heard about this problem because you never did your own research. So here you have peer reviewed literature including NIH studies in order that you can explore this most critical topic:

Considering that the vaccines do not stop infection or transmission and can only reduce the symptoms and hospitalisation and seeing that the vaccines need to be updated every few months with an indefinite number of boosters and even then, there are millions of breakthrough cases (look at Eretz Yisroel right now) wouldn’t it be much cheaper and safer to use vitamin D? The following studies prove how effective Vitamin D can be in preventing serious covid cases, hospitalisation and death.

There are undeniably two sides to this debate and both sides have credible doctors supporting their side. So how are we to know which side is correct? If we follow the Torah’s directive we will never fail to take the right cause of action. The Torah tells us not to trust those with a conflict of interest. In normal circumstances I would trust a car company and travel in their car or an airline and fly on their plane. If however the airline would tell me we have no liability on what happens to you or your luggage because we are trying out a new technology to fly our new plane, I would most certainly not fly with them. I think you would agree. Our situation with the covid vaccines is no different. See Shulchan Oruch Y.D. 155

Those doctors who speak up against the vaccine are demonised and place their career—which they have worked so hard to build up—on the line, hence their view is far more credible because they have absolutely no conflict of interest. I suggest you listen to the interviews of Dr Peter McCullough and Dr Robert Malone with Joe Rogan on the latter’s podcast because there is an immense amount of inside information.

Just a couple of weeks ago Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin held a hearing in the Senate House in Washington D.C. with the world’s top scientists who relate first hand testimony. If we do not listen to what they are reporting then we can only conclude that we are trying to avoid the truth because it is uncomfortable. Please take the time to research this most pressing matter and if I am wrong correct me. Please put aside any preconceived notions and let’s not be scared of the truth no matter at what cost.

As I have already mentioned that there are excellent treatments for covid like Ivermectin, budesonide etc. we have to consider the risk and benefit analyses differently. For the vast majority of the population the risk of them catching covid and dying as a result is negligible. This is even without any medical intervention.

I do not want to go into conspiracy theories, I have never gone down this line and even though I attached the Unz Review this was not to show their conclusion about depopulation agenda rather to show the data they supplied. It is especially enlightening to read Professor Norman Fenton’s article25 cited in the Unz Review because of its implication on what the real data could be and how the government have manipulated the data to hide vaccine injuries and falsify the efficacy of the vaccines. His article proves this beyond doubt, the evidence is so clear.

I recommend you listen to the testimonies I sent you in my previous email because they include some of the finest scientific minds of our generation including the aforementioned doctors Malone & McCullough; Dr Geert Vanden Bossche, PhD, DVM who has held lead positions in GlaxoSmithKline, Novartis, Solvay, The Gates Foundation, GAVI, Univac, DAIF and VARECO; Dr Michael Yeadon BSs Hons Biochem Tox U Surrey, PhD Pharmacology U Surrey. Managing Director, Yeadon Consulting Ltd, former Pfizer Vice President & Chief Scientist as well as others. You obviously did not listen to their testimony so I am sending you another link26 so you can listen to these testimonies even if the previous link did not work. Below is the list of Doctors and what time they speak in the video. 0:00:00 DVM, PhD Geert Vanden Bossche 0:29:31 Dr Peter McCullough 0:48:00 Dr Robert Malone 1:50:47 Attorney Tomas Renz 2:42:06 Dr Jane Ruby 3:10:00.