Thursday, December 8, 2011

From The Mouths Of Babes - Moshiach

Dedicated to my newest, purest and most beloved friend in the world - Aidel Shoshana "Shana" Bas R' Shmuel Tzvi Vi'Rivka Chaya Rauch. May she light up the world with her holiness. She is truly a "Delicate Rose".

הנצחון על הרשעה שבעולם יהיה רק על ידי כח התורה שמתעוררת על ידי תינוקות של בית רבן, כשהיא מושלת בתקופת הילדות רק היא לבדה בנשמתן, שהיא אך היא הנה הטוב הגמור, המכריע את כל הרע לטוב

שמונה קבצים ג רסה וראה גם בס' צדיק באמונתו יחיה עמ' קצו-קצז

The most fundamental and primal nature of man is purity and goodness. After the sin of Adam and Chava we lost it. However, there is still some trace of that purity in the souls of children. Therefore, the Torah that they learn is the most elevated and lofty. The gemara says that the world exists only in the merit of the Torah of school children. One day soon Moshiach will come and eradicate evil from the world. This will be facilitated by the power of children's Torah study. The absolute good of their Torah will vanquish the absolute evil of the world.

Adults usually think that they have so much to teach children while forgetting how much children have to teach them. I envy children. There is nothing more holy, more real, more connected to what we are supposed to be. Adults send so much time and effort trying to impress and worrying how others are perceiving them that they lost sight of the most important trait a person can possess - the ability to be GENUINE. Children by contrast have no airs about them and are sweetly [usually..] and truly the way G-d wants them to be - themselves.

Next time you see a child - try to treat him or her with the utmost respect as befitting human beings closest to the source.

Love and blessings!