Sunday, December 4, 2011

Looking For Kedusha In The Medina Famous For Its Gold

I have been cut off from internet for the last week which means among other things that I have been cut off from internet for the last week. It also meant that I wasn't able to post or reply to emails. APOLOGIES!!

Well, I am back in New York. The official reason is fundraising but I don't like fundraising - to say the least. It's sort of like going to the dentist. I have to do it but I try to avoid it as much as possible. So I am trying to avoid anything financial and trying to focus on what my soul craves, namely Torah and Jewish people [although I have been trying to make friends with goyim too. Kee! Yes, Bitzelem Elokim bara es ha'adam!!]. Thankfully I have found some like minded people. There is hope for America! The spirit thrives!! GEVALDIK!!

Thus far I have had the privilege of speaking at the Torah Home of Reb Michael, Cara and Tuvia [all two weeks of him! A huge mazel toov!] Shapiro to a group of nashim tzikoniyos! So thanks to the Shapiros for hosting and organizing and to all of those who came. You should all be like Sara Rivka Rochel and Leah [with their holiness but without their tzaros!!].

I then went to Landers College and learned with the tzadikim there. Thanks to all those who came and especially to Yosef Hatzadik Dauber, Mimone Hakadosh Mammane [forgive the misspelling] and Yosef Hatzadik Wilcox for organizing.

On Shabbos, Rabbi Shaul Robinson kindly invited me to speak at shaleshudos at Lincoln Square Synagogue. Thanks to him and all those who came.

Tonight I made my way up to Washington Heights where we had a chug with the tzaddikim at Yeshivas Rabbeinu Yitzchak Elchanan. A special thanks to Yair Ha'ahuv Hillman for organizing and to Yair and Yaakov Hakadosh Brent and Ilan Hagavoa Bitzidkus Casper for opening up their apartment and preparing kugel [which it was noted shares the same gemtria as my first name]. I thank everybody who came.

I apologize to anyone I left out.

Every person is an olam malei - an entire world and hence I have a special simcha upon seeing every person. So I again thank you ALLLL from the depths of my heart for coming to the aforementioned places. You are all special to me.

Plus between all of these gatherings and my own learning I have been too busy to think too much about the fundraising.

And that is the BEST part!!!:-)

Love and blessings!!

My cell phone number is 646-413-4411. Pretty soon I will figure out how to allow people to leave messages... It's a new toy. Never bought a cell phone before. WELCOME TO THE 21ST CENTURY REB AL!!