Monday, August 3, 2015

I Am Insulted- MERCY!!!- Rebbi Akiva Eiger on Twitter? A Wonder

I have received thousands of emails-  "Follow so and so on twitter".

Why would I want to follow these idiots?

Don't I have a life?

Why does my email box insult my intelligence?


But if the Sfas Emes had a twitter account I would follow him. Or Rebbi Akiva Eiger. Or the Rambam. [They wouldn't - trust me].

But they have better. Better than twitter, instagram, Facebook or anything else.

They have sfarim. And anybdy who can "follow" their sfarim and instead finds himself following losers looking for some attention from their make-believe friends on the web, I can only say one word.


Oyyy, do I pity you. Such a valuable gift G-d gave you. A brain. And to use it on the zenith of complete nonsense??