Monday, August 10, 2015

Prophets For President? - Where Are Chris Christie's Tzitzis? Does Ron Paul Eat Chazir? - Blabber Blabber Blabber- My Candidate

It was very interesting that at the recent debate between the Republican candidates for President, they were all asked if G-d had personally communicated to them what they should do when they become President. What is more interesting is that none of them gave the very simple, straightforward and honest answer of "No":-). 

This of course proves that they are worthy candidates because no President gets elected when he tells the truth. It is always some facts mixed in with a lot of fiction and wishful thinking and primarily blabber, blabber, blabber.

Anyway, they stressed that G-d speaks to them through the "Scriptures" and that they are believing Christians, and lots of blabber, blabber, blabber about their upbringing.

I wanted to ask "You are guided by the Scriptures?"

"Yes, of course" they would answer.

"So," [as my elementary school rabbeim would ask] "where are your fringes on your garments?"

"How can you eat pork and lobster [besides their being gross]. How can you work on Saturday?? And how can you claim to understand Scripture without Rashi? There are thousands and thousands of verses that make no or little sense without commentary."

Anyway - that is my political commentary for the day.

Remember: Vote Reagan!!! He won't do any harm and where he is he understands that he must help the Jews.