Sunday, August 9, 2015

Quick Thinking

On a plane trip home after a football game, Buck Buchanan, a massive lineman for the Kansas City Chiefs, was sitting next to a sports writer. Buck had the aisle seat. The sports writer was by the window.
Dinner came, and they ate.
Soon Buck fell asleep.
The flight got very bumpy. The sports writer, who had a weak stomach, began to feel queasy. He wanted to get out to the aisle, but he didn't dare disturb Buck's sleep. So he stayed put.
Finally, it was too much. The sports writer leaned over to grab the air-sickness bag. Instead -- to his shock -- he got sick all over Buck's lap.
The big football player stirred, opened his eyes, saw the mess and mumbled, "Grmphuh?"
The sports writer looked up innocently.
"Feeling better, Buck?" he asked.