Thursday, July 19, 2018

Habituated Sins

About this post:

The pasuk says at the beginning of Eicha: חטא חטאה ירושלים על כן לנדה היתה. Yerushalayim sinned and therefore she was like a niddah.

Asked the Meshech Chochma: Why the tautology [I learned that word from Rabbi Frand. Others would say "double lashon"] "חטא חטאה"? Wouldn't "חטאה" have been enough?

What is the comparison to a niddah? [See Rashi]

He explains based on the gemara that says that when you do an aveirah twice it becomes "second nature". It doesn't even seem forbidden anymore. So the Jews sinned again and again and because of that became like a niddah - which is just a fact of nature and nothing to be embarrassed about [that is why in the olden ways women wore different clothing when they were menstruating - it wasn't an embarrassment].

The pasuk continues "כל מכבדיה הזילוה כי ראו ערותה" - Those who honored her made light of her because they saw her nakedness. The sins were evident to all because people weren't embarrassed about them. 

That describes what goes on today. For example - You can go on an airplane and with no shame people are watching filth on the screen in front of them [taking a short break for shachris, of course]. People openly talk about how they "pull shtick" i.e. steal, lie and cheat. And the list goes on and on.