Sunday, September 15, 2019


I almost never order anything on line. Part of the reason is that packages don't go directly to my apartment but to the post office which then texts me to pick up the package. [Another reason is that I lack for nothing so why should I order things I don't need]. My phone doesn't receive texts so I never get the message... So being in the city, I took the opportunity to order a few things [two books and some pills]. I am sure that when they arrived the pleasure centers in my brain lit up. It was so exciting for me! One of the first thoughts that went through my mind was "what can I order next". It is so easy and fun! 

This is the beginning of an addiction. So no more ordering [בלי נדר] while I am here and I am skipping town in a few days anyway. 

I share this for those out there who might be addicted or semi addicted to shopping and are not aware.