Monday, September 23, 2019

Forming A Coalition

The very first Mishna in Shas tells us from when we must read Krias Shma - assuming that we are obligated to read Krias Shma. Imagine someone would be sitting on the Beis Medrash and say "I don't read Shma and I don't believe that one is obligated to do so". He would be thrown out of the Beis Medrash on his head!! [Unless he was a sincere person genuinely searching for the truth - or if he didn't have a head]. 

There are 2 choices for Prime Minister. Neither of them reads Shma at night nor do they hold that we are required to do so. So, either one who forms the coalition is no reason for celebration. After 2,000 years we have our own government dominated by people who don't accept Malchus Shomayim. 
