Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Know Thine Enemy/ Of Talking Heads/ My Dream/ Jews Who Abandon The Faith/ Great Klausenberger Link/ Frum BDS-ers Vs. MDS-ers

The American Jewish Committee (AJC) and B’nai B’rith International on Wednesday condemned right-wing talking head [!!!] Tucker Carlson for his description of Ukrainian President Volodymr Zelensky as “rat-like” and a “persecutor of Christians,” along with other antisemitic tropes during the debut of Carlson’s new opinion show.

“Given his history of incendiary statements, it is no surprise that Carlson would traffic in antisemitic tropes in criticizing the Jewish leader of Ukraine,” AJC told The Algemeiner. “But it is also no less vile when he likens Jews to rats. Hate can inspire antisemitic acts. Carlson must recognize the impact of his hatred.”


I am not Tucker's lawyer [he couldn't afford me]. Maybe he IS an antisemite. Chazal say that הלכה - בידוע שעשו שונא ליעקב. Tucker's alter zeide was Esav or at least Esavian and we are descended from Yaakov. סיני is called that b/c שנאה came down to the nations for Am Yisrael after Kabbolas HaTorah. Maybe it is jealousy, maybe it is other things. If he is a closet antisemite, I wouldn't be surprised.

But calling Zelensky "rat-like" and a persecutor of Christians doesn't make one an antisemite who hates all Jews. It happens to be that he is persecuting Christians, as an internet search revealed. One example: In the past few weeks, institutions of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC) experienced more government activity and even sanctions. Many buildings of the UOC have been searched. According to reporting from Pravlife, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is working on a bill that could ban the UOC’s Moscow Patriarchate (UOC-MP) in Ukraine.

"Rat-like" - not a compliment but what does it have to do with him being Jewish?? Did Tucker make that connection? Is it so obvious?? I would never have caught it had I not been informed by important insightful news sources like the Algemeiner Journal.

If I say that Al Sharpton is a ^%#$^$^#$# *&^*^&*%* who also smells and is profoundly ugly - does that make me a racist? No. I have nothing against black people and every one of them deserves the love and respect every human being deserves b/c of the mishna in Sanhedrin that tells us that we are all created in the image of G-d and saving one life is as if one saved the entire world. They should all be judged not based on the color of their skin but on the content of their character. [PLAGIARISM!!! But what can I do?! That was what I saw in my חלום]. It makes me someone who doesn't like Al Sharpton. And also one with a keen sense of smell and discriminating taste in looks. So too, not everyone who dislikes one Jew is an antisemite. I dislike plenty of Jews [like רשעים]. Am I an antisemite?? Some of my BEST FRIENDS are Jewish!!! Heck, I like Jews so much I even dress up as one daily!!! I have literally worn the same thing every day for the past 25 years or so. White shirt. Tzitzis Out. Black pants. Untrimmed beard. Large black skullcap. Totally Jewish look. I don't just have "imposter syndrome". I am actually an imposter!! I even dated *Jewish* girls before getting married!!! So don't accuse ME of being an antisemite. 

Accuse me of being something else.

Anti Zelensky and everyone like him. 

He is an עוכר ישראל [a Biblical term expressing deep feelings of *fondness* towards those who act as they shouldn't]. He marries a Christian woman and has his children baptized. A true turncoat. A traitor. A deserter. After centuries of persecution, where Jews were burned alive and subjected to unspeakable tortures by Christians - this oisvarf willingly marries out and has his children baptized. A generous perspective would be to say that he doesn't know any better and is a תינוק שנשבה.

Maybe. But according to many Halachic sources he has a din of being a full fledged Goy with all that entails. We discussed this at length in the many shiurim we have on line about מומרים. I encourage everyone to listen. Learn this AMAZING Teshuva from the Baal HaYahrtzeit גאון ישראל וקדושו זכותו יגן עלינו.

Tucker Carlson is not a threat to the Jewish people [although he is QUITE a threat to Fox and CNN. Plus he has four dogs which makes him a threat to innocent cats. And he has a shotgun which he probably uses in the Esavian quest for that perfect deer]. But Zelensky and people like him who marry out, raise their children as Gentiles and themselves keep nothing of Torah and Mitzvos are. In addition to the threat of the many today who are actively trying to change the Torah to allow for things that until 20 minutes ago were accepted not only by the Torah as being abnormal and/or immoral but by the world as well. THEY are the danger. Not people like Tucker who say things that might or might not have a subtle antisemitic connotations.


Identify THIS person:

Supports and promotes BDS.[1] [I attended "MDS" for elementary school but really no connection!]

Urged the student senate at his university, UC Berkeley, to adopt a bill to divest from Israel.[2]

Repeatedly compared Israel to Nazi Germany and likened Israel’s treatment of Palestinians to the Nazi’s treatment of Jews during the Holocaust.[3]

A self-defined “anti-Zionist.”[4]

Signed an open letter calling on the German government to reject a resolution equating BDS with anti-Semitism. The letter also urged Germany to continue funding organizations, including pro-BDS NGOs, that “peacefully challenge the Israeli occupation” and “expose severe violations of international law.”[5]

Signed an open letter accusing Israel of “systematic oppression of the Palestinian people.”[6]

Signed a letter asserting that “the ‘fog of war’ [against Iraq] could be exploited by the Israeli government to commit further crimes against the Palestinian people, up to full-fledged ethnic cleansing.”[7]

Signed a petition in support of Hermann Dierkes, a leader of the Left Wing Party in Germany, who called to boycott Israel.[8]

Signed a petition to Barak Obama calling on the United States to divest from Israel and to cease providing it with financial, diplomatic and military support.[9]

He also wears really funny yet geeky glasses. [10] 

Who is this שונא ישראל and other things which I won't write on the blog?

Actually, he is a practicing Orthodox Jew and one of the top professors of Talmud in the world. HE is a danger to the Jewish people.   

Or the Halachically observant [for the most part...] blogger/author/lecturer whose hatred and disdain of Gedolim, Rabbonim, Charedim and Bnei Torah would make many KKK-ers and Neo Nazis jealous. 

So let us identify the true enemies and not to create ones that either don't exist or are of no danger to us. 

And the most important thing is to increase our passion for Torah and mitzvos to combat the mind-blowing amount of assimilation while also if possible bringing estranged Jews closer to our faith and heritage.