Sunday, June 25, 2023

Raising Money For WHATTTTTT????

 An "Orthodox" lady I know is raising money on social media for Jewish Queer Youth. Not for orphans, not for widows, not for cancer patients. Not for single mothers, not for people suffering from depression, not for the blind and deaf. Not for autistic kids, not for special needs kids, not for kids from abusive homes. She could find no better cause than to help kids who think that they are homosexual meet other such kids and to receive "chizzuk" to be proud of their "identity" and sexual preference which will prevent them from even having children or a normal family. 

For crying out loud, The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) is a better cause than JQY. Giving money to a museum or a park is a better cause than JQY. Taking the money and throwing it in the garbage is better than giving it to JQY.  


She keeps kosher, sent her kids to yeshiva days schools and Orthodox camps, her husband is serious about his learning and the "chossid" of a popular chasidic type rabbi - and this is her cause. 


Defies imagination.  

She will fast this year on YK , say a thousand "al cheyts" and it probably won't occur to her what an enemy she is of G-d and the Jewish people. She will live in her mansion with her millions of dollars and endless checking account and use this bracha to wage war against the One who blessed her.