Sunday, June 25, 2023

Yahrtzeit Of Michoel Yoisef Ben Yaakov

“All over the world today, people are gathered in love vigils, to celebrate the life of a man that taught the world how to love”. – Reverend Al Sharpton’s eulogy for Michael. It has been 14 years since Michael Joseph Jackson’s passing, and he continues to be missed by millions.

From Michael Jackson's twitter page.

First, now we have incontrovertible proof that there is life after death. Michael Jackson is long dead, yet still tweeting away. When he died there wasn't even twitter but apparently in Shomayim they have it!! So hey dudes - bury me with my smartphone so I can keep tweeting. [Note: I don't tweet and don't own a smartphone or even know how to use one].

More seriously - Michael Jackson was and remains an American icon. Given the sordid, salacious details of his life - this is very difficult to accept. Like - excuse me - a true unadulterated wacko. I means - NUTS!! Not to mention evil. Maybe he was only evil b/c he was so crazy and couldn't control himself, but to make him a hero? THAT is a sign of the corrupt culture of which we are part. We are adults שנשבו.

They had a memorial service for him after he died that was watched by countless people. Rav Chaim Kniyevsky didn't get such good hespedim. One of the eulogizers even went so far as to call him "pure and unjaded".   😲😲

That all being said - as a teenager, I loved his music. Baurch Hashem I have been redeemed from that galus.