Tuesday, November 13, 2012

A Surprise Meeting

True story with details and names changed:

A high school Rebbi was sitting in a car and heard a shiur on a CD that he really liked. The Torah was great and inspiring. He decided that he was going to find the Rabbi giving the shiur and give him a little bit of money as a show of support. [Who does that??!]

He drove a long way from his home and tracked down the house of this Rabbi. When he got there he saw a mansion. He wasn't sure he had reached the right address but it matched up with the address he had been given, so he pressed the doorbell and was answered by a woman on the intercom. He explained that he wanted to give money to support the activities of the Rabbi whose shiur had so impressed him. The wife explained that her husband was resting but that she would open the door. An extremely modestly dressed woman approached and answered the door.

The Rabbi looked at the woman and she looked at him.

"Michelle?" He said in a startled voice.

"Rabbi Stein?" She said, equally startled.

It turns out that this girl [now in her early 40's] had been a student of this Rabbi in a well known co-ed high school. She was the wildest, craziest, most promiscuous student he had ever had. She explained that she had graduated from college and was living in the Village and went to hang out at a bar. An Israeli fellow came to "hit on her" and during the course of the conversation he asked "Where are you going to be fasting on Yom Kippur?" [Not generally a pick up line, but hey - Mi ki-amcha Yisrael]. She answered "Yom Kippur? I don't fast on Yom Kippur!" He said "But in Israel EVERYBODY fasts on Yom Kippur?!" One thing led to the next and they got closer and closer and eventually married. They became close to a Rabbi who was mekarev them little by little. The husband grew and grew in his Torah learning. He also had a hedge fund and did very well [hence the mansion]. He didn't need to work anymore and is able to spend his time giving shiurim.  

She called her children to the door. "Zalman! Moisheee! Yitzie!! Blumy! Duvieee!!! Come!" Her children ran to the door and the Rabbi saw her cute little Yiddishe Kinder. She explained to them "This was my Rabbi in High School!"

One of her children piped up "But Imma, you told us that you went to a non-religious high school?!".


Never despair of a Jew.....