Monday, July 22, 2019

Instead Of Condemning - Express Gratitude

From the website of the Rabbinical Council of America:

The Rabbinical Council of America, the leading body of Orthodox rabbis in North America, condemns the most recent outburst of racist rhetoric in the highest levels of government.

Whether statements that question the loyalty of American Jews when the safety and security of Israel is at stake or rallies that call upon descendants of immigrants to return to countries they never knew, we see these pronouncements as dangerous to the core values of our faith and the foundations of American society.

“We are a nation which celebrates the freedom of speech and vigorous political discourse,” said RCA Vice President Rabbi ---- -----. “However, the lack of civil discourse, the racist and xenophobic chants at political rallies, and rise of fringe hate groups all demand that we take a stand for goodness and respect.”

“We strongly condemn the growing lack of civility in society,” said RCA President Rabbi ---- -----. ”Our society is based on the fundamental belief in the dignity of man, that man is created in G-d’s image. Political differences do not justify abandoning this core belief.”

As campaign politics intensify, the Rabbinical Council of America calls on all parties to oppose mean-spirited rhetoric, and seek dignified and civil discourse on the weighty issues that face our beloved nation.


This is clearly directed against Trump. So I have a suggestion. Instead of criticizing [which is not going to help anyway because Trump doesn't feel משועבד to דעת תורה, so he doesn't care what a bunch of Rabbis say] we can try the opposite: GRATITUDE!! 

Thank you for being a staunch defender and $upporter of Israel!! Thank you for being such a good friend of the Jewish people!! Thank you for inviting an male Orthodox rabbi to represent the Jewish people at the White House Chanukah party and not a female Reform one as Obama had!! Thank you for appointing so many high level Jewish and even Orthodox advisers!! Thank you for speaking out against those שונאי ישראל who SHOULD go back to where they came from [even if their skin color is purple or pink] if they don't want to stop trying to destroy so many of the qualities that make America so great [including Free Market, border security and an appreciation of the Jewish people and their country]!! Thank you for bolstering the economy and lowering unemployment!! Thank you for doing the hardest job IN THE WORLD for free!! SO MUCH to thank you for!!   

No - our president is faaaaar from a saint. He is a narcissistic-בעל גאוה-תאוה-וכבוד!! And that is the BETTER part of him. But our job is not to fix him. He is not interested, so it won't work. He doesn't have a daily seder in שערי תשובה or מסילת ישרים. Our job is to show gratitude for someone who has done so much for us - not to publicly condemn him. I can see little benefit and a lot of harm - not the least of which is the פגם in מידות it demonstrates. In the words of our Sages [Bava Kamma 92]

 "בירא דשתית מיניה אל תשדי ביה קלא".

So put the liberalism aside, and focus your energies on being מתקן עולם במלכות ש-די!!!