Saturday, March 11, 2023

Does Eliyahu Pasken?

 Rashi says [Shabbos 108] that Eliyahu HaNavi may not decide halachic shylos

מאי אם יבא אליהו ויאמר - היתר ואיסור אין תלוי בו דלא בשמים היא:

How does that square with the idea of תיקו which according to many acharonim is an acronym for ת'שבי י'תרץ ק'ושיות ו'בעיות [as opposed to Modern Hebrew where they decided that תיקו means a tie in a game]? 

Also there is the Rashi  [Chullin 36a ד"ה לעולם משמע] who says that Eliyahu DOES decide shylos.

Asking as I eat my weekly seuda in honor of Eliayhu HaNavi.