There is a fellow whom I pass on the way to shul in morning sometimes. He consistently has a scowl on his face, is usually mumbling things [probably davening], has his hat over his eyes [seemingly to avoid eye contact] and never says hello.
This is what I want to tell him but won't b/c experience has taught me that most people don't take well to anything critical about themselves [even though the BIGGEST BRACHA is to know what you have to fix, as evidenced by Yaakov's "Brachos" to Reuven Shimon and Levi]:
I don't know what your issues are. You seem like a very unhappy person and it must be very difficult to be you. I would be happy to talk about it with you. In the meantime, your face, taught אור ישראל וקדושו רבי ישראל זצ"ל, is a רשות הרבים. Your scowl is a בור ברשות הרבים. Please remove the בור. It literally pains me to look at you.
Thank you. 😊