Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Political Affiliation And Belief In G-d/ Where We Diverge

According to a Pew study, 73 percent of people who vote Republican are CERTAIN that there is a G-d. Another 17 percent are fairly certain. 

Democrats? 55 percent are certain while 21 percent are fairly certain. 

Wow!! A lot of people believe in G-d! (This is all b/c of the Jewish people who brought monotheism to the world. Thanks US!!! 馃槃馃槃 Or better - thank you Hashem for choosing us to be Your conduit.) 

But what is the common denominator between both groups - the righties and lefties, conservatives and liberals? Just about none of them live their lives for the world to come. People are firmly planted HERE. They are busy all day and all night with Olam Hazeh. Working, money, eating, the ever present electronic devices, movies, TV, sports, sleeping etc. etc. Yes, they believe in G-d but there is not much of a nafka minah in the day to day. 

Here is where we diverge. We not only believe in G-d but [should, ideally] NEVER be distracted from the goal - Olam Haba. Our journey is a short one. Everything here in our present reality is just a preparation for our ultimate destination. The word "讝诪谉" - time, means to prepare, as in the sugya 讛讝诪谞讛 诪讬诇转讗 [Sanhedrin 48]. All of our time is a preparation for THEN. Everything we do has to be with the awareness of mindfulness of where we are going. To meet and be in the presence of our Maker - forever. 

Full disclosure - I plagiarized this idea from the Mesillas Yesharim!!