1- According to all available data, 10% to 15% of the 1.8 billion Muslims in the world are radicalized. That’s hundreds of millions of people. So to call the fear of Islam, Islamophobia, when phobia is an irrational fear of something, is ridiculous. When every single terrorist attack committed by a Muslim is accompanied by a yell of Allah Akbar, the fear of Islam is very rational.
2- There was never an Arab Palestinian state, and Palestine was Israel. The word Palestinian was then hijacked by Yasser Arafat and applied to the Arabs who came from Jordan and Egypt. There was never an Arab Palestinian country or an Arab Palestinian nation.
3- Those people who call themselves Palestinians never wanted a state of their own, and they say that clearly in their charter and every chance they get since then. They want no Israel, they want dead Jews. They never wanted a state.
4- Arab terror against Jews us has zero to do with any fake occupation or oppression, and proof of that is that it existed well before the state of Israel even existed. If you don’t believe me, google the Hebron massacre of 1929.
5- The PLO, Palestinian liberation organization was founded by Yasser Arafat, a terrorist, in 1964. What exactly was he liberating if there was no ‘occupation’ then? The answer? All of Israel.
6- Differentiating between Gazans and Hamas is at best inaccurate, at worst dishonest. The Gazans elected Hamas, and a vast majority of them support October 7. At the very least, they are comparable to the Germans in Nazi Germany, and should be treated as such. No one debated the legitimacy of World War II by saying that there were innocent Germans in Germany. Evil needs to be uprooted completely and totally with no mercy.
7- Abbas, the head of the Palestinian national authority is not a moderate. He wrote extensively denying the holocaust, he pays terrorists to kill Jews, including the terrorist who murdered my brother, and any chance to paint him as a moderate is dangerous and simply false. There is no fundamental difference between Fatah and Hamas.
8- If there is any hunger in Gaza, Israel is 0% accountable for that, as they have sent in tons and tons of aid since October 7th, something no other country would do, but all that aid is stolen by Hamas. This is well documented, and anyone who disagrees with this fact is simply lying.
9- Radical Islam is a global plague that the woke West refuses to see or admit, out of fear of being labeled an Islamophobe. But they will learn when it comes knocking on their door.
10- There is a long list of apartheid states in the middle east, but Israel is not part of that list. Israel is the farthest thing from apartheid and only an antisemite would disagree.
11- The United Nations, as well as some of its organizations, like UNRWA, are 100% complicit in Palestinian terror, and there is hard evidence to that effect.
12- The contribution of the United Nations to the global community started in 1948 and ended in 1948 when the state of Israel was established. Since then, the UN has been nothing but a rotten to the core organization soaked in antisemitism. It needs to be defunded and shut down yesterday.
13- You cannot be anti-Zionist without being anti-Jewish, a.k.a. anti-Semitic.
14- Arab terror across the Middle East is funded by the same countries that fund the encampments across academic institutions in America: Iran and Qatar.
15: The mass protests across the west calling for intifada were well organized before October 7th, as well as funded and coordinated by radical Islamic regimes in Iran and Qatar. If you disagree, kindly explain to me how they started before Israel even fired a single bullet or fired up a single fighter jet after October 7th.
16- Anyone calling to globalize the intifada or chanting from the river to the sea is directly calling for violence and the genocide of the Jewish people. Every single one of them should therefore be held accountable and put behind bars. The sooner, the better.
17- If the state of Israel was not so concerned with its image, it would not send in an ounce of foreign aid, would not treat terrorists in its hospitals, and it would bomb Gaza from the air, thereby sparing the lives of our sons and daughters who lost their lives going in on foot in order to minimize deaths in Gaza. No other country in the history of the world behaved that way or would behave that way in an existential war. That is not morality, quite the contrary.
18 - What is happening in Gaza is nothing even remotely comparable to a genocide. Anyone claiming otherwise is quoting the Gaza health ministry, which is run by Hamas, an organization of terrorists, murderers, rapists, and pedophiles. Israel has not released the real numbers and won’t until after the war (just like in any war ever.). If you’re accusing Israel of genocide, you are actively supporting the propaganda machine of Hamas.