Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Mass Internet Exposure

There is much talk about the problems of internet in the religious community. A thought I had as I was innocently passing by a house of ill repute in midtown Manhattan the other day: Isn't living in New York City sort of like being on-line and exposed to the depths of depravity 24/7?? So shouldn't there be a discussion about where Jews choose to live? All the shmutz on the internet is EVERYWHERE! You can't take the subway or a taxi [with its tv screen] without being "farshmutzed".

So sweetest friends - a blog on mevakesh will not trigger a mass aliyah to Kiryat Sefer. My message is KEDOSHIIIIM TIHIYU! BEEEEEE HOOOIIIILLLYYYYYY! THAT - is the task of our epoch.

Love and blessings:-).