Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Israel - Inherent Obligation For All?

"So Rav Ehman/Rebbe/ Ally/ [whatever people choose to call me] - How is Chutz L'aretz/Shmutz La'aretz/ Galus [whatever people choose to call it]?"

My perspective is as follows: Why do I live in Israel? Because I believe that Hashem wants me to! Why did I come to America? Because I believe Hashem wants me to! So it's really the same [died in the wool Zionists will be angry with me....]!! As long as I am with Him I am in the right place.

An example from the gemara. The gemara says that Moshe Rabbeinu wanted to come to Israel to fulfill the Mitzvos dependant upon the land [mitzvos hatluyos ba'aretz] such as trumos and maasros. What about the Mitzva of living in Israel? Why didn't he want to fulfill that one??

The answer is that Hashem didn't want him to enter the land - so he didn't want to either. We only want to be in Israel because Hashem wants us to be. If He decrees otherwise then we don't want to be there either.

But I must admit - it IS pretty shmutzy here:-)! But I am trying to see all the good.

Like tzadikim.

Vi'amech koolam tzadikim!