We recently reached a milestone of 5000 posts! That is a LOT of Torah BS"D!:-). I would like to clarify that everything I write is not copyright and may be used in any forum, with or without attribution. The ultimate goal is להגדיל תורה ולהאדיר and I am delighted when people find what I write worthy of learning and even repeating. The less of a presence I have, the more I am not the issue but just a conduit of Torah - the better.
ומותר האדם מן הבהמה אין - A person is greater than an animal when he realizes that he is אין - nothing. An animal doesn't have the capacity to realize that he is nothing. Only a human being does. Everything I do is because of the great gifts I have received from Hashem, including - health, food to eat, shelter, time to learn, seichel and a great desire to spread His light.
Baruch Hashem just in the last month we have had over 16 thousand visits which means that people are coming. This is a credit to all of my beloved readers who are looking for ways to grow as people and as Jews.
However, I cannot live on just the holy air of Eretz Yisrael alone. Only Moshe Rabbeinu could manage without bread and water and even that was only for 40 days.
With that in mind, I am planning a trip to the U.S. from August 25th for two weeks in order to accomplish two goals.
1] Continue projects
To enable me to continue spreading Torah to the thousands both in print, recorded shiurim which Baruch Hashem have quite a following and the Skype Yeshiva where I learn with people one on one. It is a zchus to spread Torah and a zchus to be a partner in spreading Torah. Most people don't appreciate this enough, but I know billions of people who REALLY understand the value of Torah. I refer to those in the world of truth where we are all destined to go.... They really understand but for them it is too late. Chap arein! Capeiz Diem! I take this opportunity to thank those who have been by my side for the last four years and have been living week by week, month by month, never knowing whether there will be enough for the next week or month. Not an easy existence but rewarding for all of the great siyata di-shmaya I have seen and for all of the kindness that has been shown me by my beloved friends.If I am able to raise enough to continue surviving, that will be a success. [If I don't, I guess I will end up in the world of truth where I will get a greater appreciation for Torah. Please watch out for my almanah:-).] An even greater success will be if I am able to help the many people I know who don't have the benefit of knowing so many people of means as I do and are choking under the load of life's endless expenses.
I have heard a trillion times how rough it is for people but when they are driving a Lexus and going on extravangent vacations it leads me to believe that if they want they can spare a few dollars for others. What is life about if not to share Hashem's bounty with those in need?!
2] Live Public Shiurim
To give shiurim to whomever is interested and to meet with people for the purpose of giving chizzuk as we move closer to Rosh Hashana.
Those interested in scheduling a shiur can contact me [elchononehrman@gmail.com]. My time is very limited but I will try to squeeze in as much as I can.
So please: Help me continue with my projects, help others as well and if you want some Toras Eretz Yisrael before the Yomim Noraim, I will try to provide that too.
With much love to ALL of my sweetest friends,