Saturday, August 1, 2015

A Protest

I have a friend who is a very sweet and kind hearted person and a talmid chochom. He decided that the time has come to leave kollel and enter the world of chinuch. He related to me that he interviewed at numerous yeshivas and they told him "we will get back to you".

They didn't.

So they both lied and showed him disrespect.

So I would like to use this forum to "make a מחאה" [protest] over the lack of respect shown to a talmid chochom. [He told the story to me without any bitterness. He just sort of chuckled]. When someone needs a job and is awaiting a reply and none is forthcoming even though it takes exactly 15 seconds to politely email him with a negative response - it hurts.

May we always be zocheh to treat every human being with respect - especially talmidei chachomim.

Happy ending - He was hired and will be teaching this coming Elul. B"H!