In the previous post on Nevuah [#9] we saw the Rambam who
says that the Navi must prepare himself for Nevuah by possessing good
character. How then does the pasuk say about Yirmiyah "בטרם אצרך מבטן ידעתיך"
- He was already chosen by Hashem from the womb? It says about Moshe "כי טוב"
which is interpreted by the gemara [Sotah 12a] to mean that he was הגון לנביאות
- Fitting to be a Navi?!
The Rambam in the Moreh Nevuchim explains that both are
required. One must have the inborn capacity for prophecy and in
addition one must acquire the necessary character traits and behaviors. This is similar
to Jews who [as Rav Kook writes in numerous places] are both
inherently, essentially, immutably holy and in addition act in holy
ways which complete their personality. Is our uniqueness nature or
nurture? Both.....
[עפ"י ס' עיוני הפטרות של הרב
ריבלין פרשת מטות]