Ernie Harwell was a famous baseball announcer for the Detriot Tigers. He was the "Cal Ripken" of sports announcers. In his 55 years of work he only missed 2 games [one when he was inducted into the Hall of Fame and the other I don't know why]. Do you think he always felt like going? He was never tired, sick or not in the mood?? Yet, nothing stopped him.
How many of us can say that we can go 55 years missing no more than 2 minyanim or shiurim that we normally attend or without cancelling chavrausas?? Many people I know can't go 55 days without numerous misses. The secret to greatness in Avodas Hashem is consistency.
אנו עמלים והם עמלים - We have our Avodas Hakodesh and they have their nonsense. Let our job be no less precious in our eyes than theirs is to them.