Rav Kook ztz"l experienced a very high level of self awareness. Among other things, he was well aware of the fact that his writing was often very vague and obscure and at times almost incomprehensible. This is because he was trying to convey ideas with words that were beyond words. Words, by definition, define and limit. When talking about the limitless words fall short. The idea of poetry vs. prose [and Rav Kook was the ultimate G-dly poet (משורר א-להי)] is that poetry attempts to use words to convey ideas that often transcend words. The only way to fully understand is to experience what is being described.
When trying to "define" the nature of prophecy one runs into a brick wall of an inadquate medium. It is almost a contradiction in terms. But we try as best we can. In a publication called "הניר" in the very first edition [1909 - it is available on the Otzar Hachochma!:-) and was reprinted at the beginning of Maamarei Ha-ri-iyah] Rav Kook wrote an article entitled דרך התחיה where he explains how and when nevuah appears. I attempted [feebily] to translate the germane passages.
ההזרחה הנשמתית של ההויה הרוחנית המלאה מתגלה בחברה, בקבוץ אורגני, לפי ערך הכשרתו של הקבוץ אל האידיאולוגיה האלהית הנושאת עין אל הטוב הכללי, הטוב המוחלט הסובב כל מצבי ההויה .... כן גם כל תנועה רוחנית מוסרית קבוצית שהנפשיות מוזרחת ממנה, מתיחסת במלא המובן אל תנועת הטוב הכללי, המארגן בחקיו הכוללים את המוסר והצדק בהויה, כמובן באותה הצורה הכללית והגדולה שעיננו מתעששת להביט באורה, ועל כן אין אנו יכולים להגדיר את גדריה.
ההזרחה הנשמתית מתגלה בגלים אמיצים בנפשות היחידים העצומים בכח רוחני, וכחם זה משתלם כששרשם הכללי, הנשמה הלאומית שלהם, בריא; ולהפך, בלקוי הנשמה הלאומית גם הם לוקין ונפגמים בפגימתה. הזרם הפסיכי של הרוחניות הממשית, המתעלה בעוזה על הרוחניות הלמודית, כשהוא מתראה בחיים היחידיים בנקודות היותר מאירות של האומה, בשעה שהיא עומדת בשלותה ובמיטב הפרחתה, מגלה הוא בקרבם את השביב היותר מאיר מהאורה השלמה של האומה ומבליט על ידם את מגמת חייה העליונה.
זאת היתה תכונת הנבואה הישראלית.
The shining soul of the complete spiritual existence is revealed in society, in its organic grouping, according to the quality of the preparation of the society to the G-dly ideology that raises it sights towards the general good ... So too every spiritual, ethical movement that soulfulness shines from it, relates completely to the movement of general good, that organizes with its rules the ethics and justice of existence. Of course [this is done] in a very general way in which we can view its light, therefore we cannot fully define it.
The shining of the soul is revealed in powerful waves in the souls of individual who are gifted with a uniquely powerful spirit, and this power is perfected when their general roots, their national soul, is healthy; And conversly, when their national soul is blemished and tainted then they become blemished and tainted along with it. The psychic flow of concrete spirituality, that is elevated with the strength of the more cerebral, learning centered spirituality, when it appears in individual's lives in the brighter parts of the nation, when she is standing in its serenity and its best sprouting, reveals within it the very bright spark of the complete light of the nation and emphasizes its greater and higher purpose.
That is the nature of Jewish prophecy.
In simple language, when our people are living lives of kedusha and morality, there are individuals who are deeply spiritual who will be able to tap into the wellsprings of Divine communication. The conditions are: 1] A spiritually healthy nation, living a full and serene Torah lifestyle. 2] A pure, holy individual. 3] His strong connection to the soul of our people.
I encourage you to read the article in full and to try to understand the original as best you could. If not - you can ask someone for help....:-).