Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Prophecy #1 - Why Are There Prophets? - How Does It Feel? - The Difference Beteen Prophecy And Wisdom - Scholars in Residence: Rambam, Mabit, Maharal, Ramchal, Rebbe Tzadok

This series is dedicated with love in honor of all of those who help Mevakesh continue spreading the light:-)!



One of the 13 principles of faith is that Hashem says prophecies to people. In our language - נבואה. This is a foundation of our faith which requires a tremendous amount of understanding and analysis. Most people don't think about it much because life is BUSSSYYYY and to philosophize about the nature of prophecy, why Hashem chooses to speak to prophets, how to attain prophecy, the laws of a prophet etc. etc. are not on people's radar screens or smart phone memories but nevertheless it is a topic worth exploring.

We would like to redress this injustice and begin בס"ד a series on prophecy.

A good place to start is in the Rambam in Hilchos Yesodei Hatorah in the later chapters where he codifies the various laws relating to nevuah. I suggest that you learn that as a background for our future posts.

Note: This is not intended to be an exhaustive [or exhausting] study. That would require many full length books. My goal is to help make people more knowledgable on the topic להגדיל תורה ולהאדירה and another reason which I choose not to share [if you have nevuah you will know:-)].

Also, I am not going in any particular order. One day, when the thousands and thousands of pages of divrei Torah that Hashem in his great kindness has bestowed upon me, are reproduced in book form [that is the צוואה I gave my wife for the time after men wearing striped tunics neatly place me in the ground...], things will be presented in a more orderly fashion.


The first question is - Why did Hashem decide that people should be prophets? The Mabit, Rabbi Moshe ben Yosef Ditrani writes as follows:

והסבות למציאות הנבואה חמש: הראשונה כי האל יתברך לא ימנע טוב מבעליו, וכשיוכן האדם בחכמתו ומדותיו לנבואה יושפע עליו שפע נבואיי להראות על מעלת נפשו שהגיעה למדרגה העליונה של האדם ותכלית השלימות אשר אפשר שימצא למינו.
מבי"ט בית אלהים שער היסודות פי"ט
There are 5 reasons for the existence of prophecy. The first is that Hashem doesn't want to prevent good from people and when a person prepares himself with wisdom and good middos for prophecy,  a Divine flow of prophecy will be bestowed upon him. This shows the elevated level of his soul, that he has reached the highest level of spirituality attainable by people.  
The Ramchal in Mesilas Yesharim [Chapter 1] teaches that Hashem created the world in order that people receive the maximal pleasure. This pleasure is found on a very small scale in the physical world but primarily in the spiritual world. When a person attains a state of prophecy he experiences a blissful level of דבקות בשם - closeness to Hashem. In Derech Hashem [3/3] the selfsame Ramchal spells this out very clearly. In his words:
ואמנם למעלה מכל זה, יש מעלה אחרת והיא הנבואה וענינה שיגיע האדם ויתקשר בבורא יתברך שמו ויתדבק בו דבקות ממש באופן שירגיש ההתדבקות וישיג מה שהוא מתדבק בו דהיינו כבודו יתברך שמו על הדרך שנבאר לפנים ויהיה הדבר ברור אצלו ומורגש ממנו בלי ספק כלל כדרך שלא יסתפק בדבר גשמי שירגישהו בחושיו
It is an indescribable feeling of connection to the source of all good and the root of all pleasure - the Creator.

The difference between wisdom and prophecy

The Maharal [when I googled him to link his bio I discovered that "the maharal is on facebook" and has 1,477 likes:-). I didn't click it on to go there and please don't...] explains the difference between intellectual perception and prophetic perception. Both perceive Divne truths but in a very different way.
כי הפרש יש בין החכמה ובין הנבואה, כי החכם ישיג מצד שכלו, ומכיון שהוא ישיג מצד שכלו יוכל להשיג דברים הנעלמים והנסתרים ביותר אבל הנביא יקרא חוזה או רואה ששייך רואה במה שהוא רואה הדבר מבחוץ לכך צריך לכל נביא התדבקות בדבר לאשר נבואתו בו והוא תתדבק בדברים ההם וידעם מפני נבואתו. וביאור זה כי הנבואה דומה בדבר לחוש עין שירגיש המוחש מבחוץ ואף כי אין הנבואה על ידי השגת החוש הגשמי מכל מקום כמו שהחוש דבק במוחש כך יש
התדבקות כח הנבואה של הנביא שהוא כח המדמה או מה שהוא הכח המקבל הנבואה שהוא מתדבק בדבר שהוא מתנבא עליו ומפני ההבדל הזה יקרא הנביא חוזה או רואה מה שאין כך בחכם.
הקדמה ראשונה לגבורות השם
 A wise man - חכם - perceives with his intellect. A Navi EXPERIENCES what he views with his soul. When in the world of the intellect there is more of a barrier between what you know and what you experience. I BELIEVE in G-d but I still talk lashon hara. A prophet EXPERIENCES and CLINGS to G-d during his prophecy and that is an entirely different level of perception. The reason people are afflicted with the horrible disease of ספק - doubt, is because they are not experiencing G-d. Nevuah solves that problem because it creates a level of 100 percent certainty.
Let us compare it to a dream [which Chazal say is a drop of prophecy]. When you dream - it is SOOOOOO real. Prophecy is similar except that it is not make believe like the vacation in the Bahamas of your dream. It is actually more real than what we experience in our world of senses.
The great Kohen Gadol of Lublin, Rebbe Tzadok, writes as follows:
כי מדרגת הנביא הוא תכלית הכרת הנוכח דאתה עמדי שזו הכרה גלויה יותר מההכרה שע"פ חכמת התורה דאע"פ דחכם עדיף מנביא [כמ"ש ב"ב יב] היינו מצד העומק אבל גילוי וראיה חושית הוא אצל הנביא יותר גדול.
 תקנת השבין ו'
To be a Navi is to KNOW that there is a G-d. The gemara says that חכם עדיף מנביא - a wise man is greater than a prophet, but that is talking about the DEPTH of perception. However, in the realm of experiential reality, a Navi is much greater.
Let me give an example: The gemara says that yisurim, suffering, purify a person. A great Sage can expound on this teahcing for hours, bring proofs, explanations, resolve contradictions etc. etc.
But someone who is in his hospital bed suffering from cancer לא עלינו and is writhing in pain, who now feels that this world is a silly, temporary abode, and who experiences his body being cleansed of any dross created by his aveiros, is LIVING this gemara. He is like the prophet. He may not be able to intellectualize everything as the חכם can - but he KNOWS it.  
After what we learned, I hope people start feeling that the lack prophecy in our days is a real loss...