Sunday, November 24, 2019

Ukraine Scandal

In a startling new development in the Ukraine scandal with the President, it was revealed that he went on a secret tour to Kivrei Tzadikim in the Ukraine with members of the wealthy "Aish Kodesh" congregation of Woodmere and their Hasidic Master. They prayed at the graves of the Baal Shem Tov, Rabbi Elimelech of Lizhensk and many others. On this tour, he apparently secured for himself millions of dollars of campaign donations. The Democrats are claiming that this is illegal pandering to Orthodox Jews who, as their coreligionists in Israel, are expansionist in outlook and action, taking over neighborhoods, building Eruv's and Mikva's and turning them into Ultra Orthodox strongholds. Trump, true to his Pro-Israel Pro-Jewish bias, promised them his support in their endeavors.

Prosecutor Adam Schiff is furious that he didn't stop at the grave of Schiff's ancestor, Rabbi Moshe Schiff, known as the "Maharam Schiff". "So he wasn't Chasidic, so WHAT?" Said Schiff.

Trump tweeted in response: "Zchus Hatzadikim Yaazor Vi-yagein Vi-yoshea. Schiff is a Kalta Litvak".